Request for Proposal for the Provision of Services to conduct Trainings of Master Trainers and Training for Data Entry Operators for Punjab Province


Request for Proposal


Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject: RFP for the Provision of Services to conduct Trainings of Master Trainers and Training for Data Entry Operators for Punjab Province.
You are requested to submit a proposal for conducting the Trainings of Master Trainers and Training for Data Entry Operators for Punjab Province, as per enclosed Terms of Reference (TOR).
2.      To enable you to submit a proposal, attached are:
             i.      Instructions to Offerors ………………(Annex I)
            ii.      General Conditions of Contract……. .(Annex II)
           iii.      Terms of Reference (TOR)………… .(Annex III)
           iv.      Proposal Submission Form …………..(Annex IV)
            v.      Price Schedule ……………………….(Annex V)
3.      Your offer comprising of Technical proposal and Financial proposal, in separate sealed envelopes, should reach the following address no later than 15:00 hrs Pakistan time on 04th April 2013.
Registry Unit
United Nations Development Programme
2nd Floor, Serena Business Complex, Sector G-5
Islamabad, Pakistan
Alternatively, to facilitate the submission of proposals, the submission duly stamped and signed can be done electronically in PDF format and sent to Technical and Financial proposals should be sent as separate PDF files. To secure your financial offer please set up a password that will be used at a later stage once the evaluation of the Technical proposal is complete. The bidders who achieve the minimum technical score will be requested to provide passwords. Please note that the submission of documents over 5 MB is not possible in one email and if the size is large they should be named in the Subject line as Proposal for Training Services, Batch 1, Batch 2, etc.
The vendor shall bear all responsibility associated with the submission of proposals electronically through e-mail. UNDP will in no case be responsible or liable for submissions delivered after the deadline
4.      If you request additional information, please write to and cc: UNDP would endeavor to provide information expeditiously, but any delay in providing such information will not be considered a reason for extending the submission date of your proposal.