Consultancy - Training Module on Gender and Peacekeeping: Development and Training of Trainers


Terms of Reference
Financial Template


UNDP Malaysia in collaboration with the Malaysian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence as well as the Malaysian Peacekeeping Centre (MPC) is implementing a project in 2014 and 2015 which aims to strengthen the MPC’s capacity in providing multidimensional peacekeeping training as well as research. The project, entitled “Capacity Building Support for Malaysia’s role in Multidimensional Peacekeeping Training: Phase II” will develop three training modules that will address some of the training needs of peacekeepers who have to operate within the context of a complex and multidimensional peacekeeping environment that involves multiple actors with divergent roles and mandates. The project will focus on developing training modules in the area of gender, cultural diversity in peacekeeping operations and protection of civilians. The training modules will then be utilised to train peacekeeping trainers and officers from the military, police and civil society. The project will also seek to enhance MPC’s research capacity in producing research materials on emerging peacekeeping issues so that Malaysia’s vast experience in peacekeeping can be shared for the mutual benefit of the global peacekeeping community. This is an Online application posting, please visit and apply via Any request for clarification must be send in writing to Please write the Project reference - MyIC/2014/013 in your e-mail heading. The deadline for submitting requests for clarification/questions is 22 March 2014.