IT-Expert (National Consultant Only)


Procur. Notice


Under the overall leadership and guidance of the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), the Operations Management Team (OMT) endeavors to facilitate the implementation of Delivering as One (DaO) by harmonizing operational policies of UN bodies, agencies, funds and programmes in Ethiopia.. To facilitate this work, a need assessment survey was conducted to identify requirements for knowledge management among UNCT and its working groups. Based on the findings of this exercise, and in accordance with the OMT Annual Work Plan, a common knowledge management platform for the UNCT will be created through the work of the OMT ICT Working Group.The system will simplify procedures and lower transaction costs by improving inter-agency communications. It is foreseen as a platform for information, file and knowledge sharing, which should contribute to UNCT’s capacity to implement and support development and humanitarian initiatives in Ethiopia. The system is intended to facilitate the collection, collation and reporting of progress and achievements to support evidence-based decision making and management. By integrating the organizational, functional and operational information, the system is expected to support UNCT’s evidence-based decision making and knowledge sharing capabilities.