Genetic Resource Expert


Confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal
UNDP General Conditions for IC


Project Description 
The Philippines has high biodiversity, being among the mega-diverse countries of the world. It has prolific and highly diverse marine and coastal resources which makes it the third highest in marine biodiversity in the world. For example, it hosts a total of 464 reef-building coral species or nearly half of all known coral species. The country also has 1700 reef species and 9% of the total known global coral reef area at 25,060 sq. km. Philippine marine fisheries produced a total fisheries volume of 5 million metric tons in 2009 valued at PhP 215.58 billion. The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) estimates the fishing industry’s contribution to the country’s GDP at 2.2% (PhP 170.3 billion) and 4.4% (PhP63.2 billion) at current and constant prices, respectively. Marine mollusks have high medicinal value and the Philippines teems with them. It must be noted that marine organisms are the source of 60% of new anti-cancer agents currently on trial. Aside from this, they also hold potential for possible central nervous system, anti-microbial drugs and enzymes for cellulosic biofuels production. Philippine waters are estimated to harbor an estimated 10,000 species or approximately one fifth of all known species. The country’s marine waters are also widely regarded by marine biologists as the epicenter of marine biodiversity. 
The Philippines is home to an estimated 53,500+ species of plants and animals. Recent reviews have recognized 105 species of amphibians (79% endemic) and 264 reptiles (68% endemic), while recent summaries of birds have recognized 593 species (32% endemic). Mammal diversity is currently estimated at 175 native terrestrial mammals (65% endemic). Total country estimates include as many as 15,000+ plants (and their relatives) and 38,000+ animals (vertebrates and invertebrates). These numbers are considered conservative considering that recent studies have shown that terrestrial biodiversity of the Philippines is substantially under estimated. The Philippines has one of the highest rates of species discovery in the world (sixteen new species of mammals have been discovered in the last ten years alone). New species are being discovered at a remarkable rate and this pattern shows no sign of slowing. Current taxonomic estimates show that the Philippines has the highest level of endemism in the Indo-Malayan Realm on a per unit-area basis and the highest concentration of biodiversity on earth .
However, “leakage” in revenue generation is happening from the environment sector through bio-piracy of the country’s genetic pool. As stated above, the Philippines’ marine waters alone hold untold economic potential for drugs and fuels. Marine sponges, mollusks and sea squirts, for instance, have been the subject of many biomedical studies as potential sources for anti-microbial and anti-cancer drugs. The recent study done by the UP Marine Science Institute in partnership with the Oregon Health and Science University, University of Utah, the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia and Ocean Genome Legacy showed that marine mollusks found in the Philippines have unusual bacteria strains that have utility as drugs for central nervous system disorders, anti-cancer agents and anti-microbial treatments .    
However, despite discoveries made by local scientists or the fact that some of these genetic materials, plants and biological resources have long been identified, developed and used by communities and indigenous peoples, many large corporations make huge profits from patenting these knowledge and biological materials without properly recognizing and rewarding the sources.
The examples above prove that Philippines has many more resources which if used wisely can generate wealth and would be more than enough to trigger economic development and alleviate poverty in the country. Continuing bio piracy might be happening unknowingly in the country since the current policies and capacities have failed to track and monitor progress made on researches related to genetic pool of the country. It in this context that the DENR, being the key agency in natural resource management, will conduct an assessment of genetic resources with potential uses for commercial and medicinal purposes. To accomplish the assessment, the DENR will hire a genetic resource expert.   
The following are the tasks and responsibilities to be performed by the Genetic Resource Expert:
1.       Conduct extensive retrieval of secondary literature on genetic characterization of endemic resources/species;
2.       Convene meetings/round table discussions/focus group discussions with individuals and/or organizations to solicit data contributory to the identification of endemic resources/species with potential for industrial and commercial uses;
3.       Come up with a listing of endemic resources/species with different uses and potential for industrial and commercialization (e.g. pharmaceutical and medical purposes);
4.       Validate presence of endemic resources/species through field work or travel and solicit information from key informants regarding the different uses of said resources/species; such activity would serve as baseline and strengthen the potential of endemic resources commercialization;
5.       Write case/research studies on genetic resources/species based on the result of round table discussions, library works, and field validation;
6.       Prepare a State of the Art Review of genetic resources/species that would lead to creation of wealth of communities where genetic resources/species are prevalent;
7.       Identify research gaps on genetic resources/species vis-à-vis projections on what is doable in the next three years (short-term and long-term investigation of genetic resources/species) leading to the preparation of a full blown proposal for funding by the UNDP;
8.       Work in collaboration with other experts hired by the Project, when necessary.
9.       Provide report/feedback to the Lead Integrator based in FASPO and attend technical working group meetings.
Expected Outputs and Deliverables
Deliverables/ Outputs
Target Due Dates
Review and Approvals Required (Indicate designation of person who will review output and confirm acceptance)
Inception Report
1 week after contract signing
Case or Research Studies on genetic resources/species
Simultaneous activities and can be done in 2 months
State of the Art Review of genetic resources/species
Full blown proposal on genetic resources/species with potential for industrial/commercial uses to effect/lead creation of wealth among affected communities
2 weeks
Institutional Arrangement
He/She shall coordinate and work closely with the ERDB and FASPO to ensure that the project activities are undertaken and relevant and quality information are gathered. He/she shall also work with the other consultants dealing on this matter too.
The DENR-FASPO in coordination with the Focal Person(s) ERDB shall directly supervise the Genetic Resource Expert  and his/her output shall be approved and accepted by the DENR FASPO with endorsement from ERDB;
The DENR-FASPO in coordination with ERDB shall provide administrative and logistical support particularly in convening meetings/round table discussions/focus group discussions and or in visiting sites.
Duration of the Work
The expected duration of work is estimated at 30 days spread over 3 months. The target date for the start of work is 01 August 2014 and the completion date is 30 November 2014. 
Duty Station
The Genetic Resource Expert  is not expected to report on a daily basis to ERDB/DENR nor to UNDP.  S/he shall be notified within a reasonable period of time of pertinent meetings where his/her presence is necessary. All consultation venues will be chosen according to accessibility, availability of appropriate facilities and peace and order.
Qualifications of the Successful Individual Contractor
·         Master’s or PhD degree in biological sciences (forestry, botany, agriculture, biology) or related sciences;
·         At least 10 years extensive  experience in the field of  genetic resource research ;
·         Knowledgeable or familiar with CITES, NIPAS, and other laws related to or associated to bio-piracy;
·         Familiar and up-to-date with national and local programs, projects, and initiatives on biodiversity conservation;
·         Good in word processing, preferably Word, Excel, Power-point
Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments
The financial proposals from possible candidates should be expressed in lump sum amount inclusive of all financial costs related to this engagement (i.e. transportation/travel to and from residence-Manila and/or within Metro Manila, supplies & materials, reproduction, communications including internet). However, travel costs (eg. fares and DSAs) to sites outside of Metro Manila shall be borne by DENR.   DSA rates will follow the NIM prescribed rates.
Payment terms are as follows:
Inception Report
1st week after signing of contract
Case or research studies on genetic resources/species;
State of the Art Review of genetic resources/species
30 October 2014
Full  blown proposal on genetic resources/species with potential for industrial/commercial uses to effect/lead creation of wealth among affected communities
30 November 2014
Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer
The combined scoring method where the qualifications and methodology will be weighted a maximum of 70%, and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a max of 30% shall be adopted.
Please submit CV and financial proposal, using the template attached in this notice, on or before 28 August 2014.