Local Short Term Expert for Establishment of a Joint Academy REF: (LSTEJA/CO2014)




Increased capacity at the MoI to realize its mission as regards the administrative management of security forces at the central and local level and establishment of institutional structures needed in order to meet the EU standards for HR protection and for a strengthened civilian oversight. The Local Short Term Expert will support the realization of the activity B.1.4 Prepare a feasibility study and a policy recommendation paper for the establishment of a joint academy for ISFs top chiefs in order to promote a common culture across all forces and activity B.1.9 Conduct a needs analysis for staffing of new structures. The short-term expert will prepare a report about existing situation on establishment of a joint academy in Turkey. S/he will be responsible for making interviews in Ankara with relevant institutions regarding establishment of a joint academy. The expert is also expected to attend a workshop to exchange information with the international experts on Italian and French systems. The expert will contribute to the preparation of a final report that gives recommendations to Turkey on the establishment of a joint law enforcement academy. The expert is also expected to attend seminars/conferences in Turkey in order to present the findings of his/her study. The duties and responsibilities of the expert are as follows: • Prepare and submit a report about: 1. The existing training system of top chiefs of the internal security forces in Turkey (the affiliation, organization and role of each entity contributing to training), 2. The courses taught (topics), methodology during the trainings, 3. The application process, the selection of the candidates, the students and their numbers, 4. The types of diploma / qualifications delivered • Make interviews in Ankara with relevant institutions in order to obtain the required information, • Attend to a seminar/workshop to exchange information on the Italian, French and Turkish system on joint academy, prepare and deliver a ppt, • Contribute to the preparation of a “feasibility study” regarding the establishment of a joint academy report after the revision and assessment of the Turkish case, • Prepare a paper on “linking to the existing system and staffing of a new academy” in Turk • Jointly prepare and submit a “Final Report”, which will include the following: 1. An executive summary (1 to 2 pages) in English and Turkish, 2. Explaining how a joint school in Turkey will be established and what could be: a. School’s affiliation and organigramme, b. How it would fit into the existing system and required changes, c. Staffing, appointment system, d. Mission, e. Application selection of the candidates, numbers, f. Courses taught (topics, methodology), g. Diploma delivered, • Attending to a seminar/conference in Turkey to present the findings of the final report on establishment of a “joint academy” for ISF chiefs.