Capacity Development for Sustainable Community Based Tourism CLOSED EARLY

Link to Atlas Project

00071720 - Capacity Development for Community Based Tourism


UNDP/SCBT – 2015 ToR


Dear Madam/Sir,

A team of consultants will be contracted for the delivery of services on sectoral analyses and capacity assessment on Sustainable Community Based Tourism in Turkey. For further details, please refer to the Terms of Reference, Annex 1. 

We kindly request you to submit your proposal for Capacity Development for Sustainable Community Based Tourism Project no later than March 16th, 2015 COB by e-mail to The reference line / title should read UNDP/SCBT – 2015.

Please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2 in preparing your Proposal.  

Your Proposal must be expressed in the English, and valid for a minimum period of 120 days.