RFQ for supply of vehicle

Link to Atlas Project

00071600 - Addressing Irregular Migration and Promoting Human Right


RFQ for special vehicle
Forms to be filled in


Dear Sir / Madam:


We kindly request you to submit your quotation for mobile psycho-medical rehabilitation complex, as detailed in Annex 1 and Picture 1 of this RFQ.  When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the forms attached hereto as Annexes 2 and 3. 


Quotations may be submitted on or before 17:00 (Minsk local time) 16.04.2015 by  üe-mail, ücourier mail or üfacsimile to the address below:


UN Office in Belarus

 6th Floor, 17, Kirova str.

Minsk, 220050, Republic of Belarus

Fax: +375 (17) 226-03-40

e-mail: tenders.by@undp.org


                Quotations submitted by email must be limited to a maximum of 7 MB, virus-free and no more than 5 email transmissions.  They must be free from any form of virus or corrupted contents, or the quotations shall be rejected. 


It shall remain your responsibility to ensure that your quotation will reach the address above on or before the deadline (phone number for the inquiries: +375 17 219 37 86).  Quotations that are received by UNDP after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation.  If you are submitting your quotation by email, kindly ensure that they are signed and in the .pdf format, and free from any virus or corrupted files.