REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ): Hotel Services for AHDR from 10 till 11 June 2015 in Amman - LEB/CO RFQ/53/15

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Non-UNDP Project


Request For Quotation



Reference: LEB/CO RFQ/53/15


Dear Sir / Madam,


The United Nations Development Programme invites you to participate in the bidding for the items and services listed below.


Please to submit your quotation, by e-mail to, on or before 11:00 a.m., Beirut Local Time, on Wednesday 29 April 2015.



The UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States is organizing the Launch of its Arab Human Development Report on 10-11 June 2015, in Amman, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.


The hotel will be responsible for the launching and follow-up on the various aspects related to the organization of the said meeting.


The tasks include both direct services (such as reception of the participants, accommodation, meals, conference halls, secretariat room, etc.) and indirect services (such as related meeting facilities from providing internet connectivity to the presence of a technician and personnel in the conference room, etc.)


In order to succeed in this mission, the Hotel will need to work in close collaboration with the UNDP team and the event organizer with permanent coordination, exchange of information and necessary data.


Please refer to the attached Request for Quotation.