RFQ 09/2015 electrical works for infrastructural upgrade of the storage ORMAN, Gluvo Brazda

Link to Atlas Project

00051250 - SEESAC 2009-2016


technical documentation-design
drawing-one page
RFQ 09/2015


RFQ 09/2015 electrical works for  infrastructural upgrade of the storage ORMAN, Gluvo Brazda



UNDP would hereby like to invite interested companies to submit quotations in MKD (VAT exempted) in a sealed envelope not later than 27May 2015 by 10:00am at the address of UNDP.

The RFQ 09/2015 including the BoQ and the drawings and other related docuemnts to the project design are attached for reference.

All Questions and answers for clarification will be posted at the UNDP web site, so please check the web site before offer submission


Interested Applicants may obtain further information or request clarifications in writing to procurement.mk@undp.org