Final Evaluation of the project

Link to Atlas Project

00059708 - Establishment of a National Volunteer Agency




The project aims to establish a National Volunteer Agency (NVA) to enhance coordination and partnerships between government and civil society organizations on volunteering. This is being achieved by strengthening the capacity of the National Volunteer Council (NVC) in implementing its activities related to the promotion of volunteerism within program support of the national strategy on absolute poverty reduction, PARPA II.  Secondly, the project in collaboration with the NVC, will strengthen the capacity of both local civil society organizations and relevant government entities in the management of volunteers and projects.

The project is led by the Ministry of Youth and Sport through UNV/UNDP technical and financial support. Another partner of the project providing technical assistance is VSO, one of the largest entities operating in the voluntary sector in Mozambique.

The project has 4 outputs and a number of activities related to them.


 “Only Residents in Mozambique should apply for this post”.