Consultants to Develop a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programme and Qualifications Certification Schemes for Resource Efficient Technologies and Practices at the Seychelles Institute of Technology

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00079923 - Resource Efficiency Project in Seychelles




Services to be supplied are for the development of a vocational training programme on installation and maintenance of resource efficient appliances, to be implemented by Seychelles Institute of Technology, with an appropriate curriculum approved and operational. The services will be required to:

  • Integrate resource efficiency aspects and concerns in the portfolio of courses at SIT;
  • Transfer knowledge to, and build the capacity of, the lecturers who will, ultimately, be responsible for delivering the revised and new training programmes to the SIT students;
  • Mainstream the concepts of life-cycle cost and life-cycle of materials in the current and future professionals’ way of thinking;
  • Recommend appropriate technical means (equipment) to ensure that the revised training courses will have a strong hands-on component;
  • Thereby contribute to the strengthening and transformation of resource efficient technologies and services market.