CPSI - Facilitation of Public Sector Innovation Workshops

Link to Atlas Project

00071185 - Strengthening Democratic Governance


Confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal


The Centre for Public Service Innovation (CPSI) is an initiative of the Minister for the Public Service and Administration, established to identify, support and nurture innovation in the public service, with a view to improve service delivery. The role of the CPSI is primarily to function as an enabler, facilitator and champion for innovative ideas. This will require creating an enabling environment for the generation and rewarding of new ideas; facilitating engagement between public, private and non-governmental entities, with a view to establishing sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships and championing the value of and need for innovation within the public service. The mission of the CPSI is to promote and support innovation by demonstrating practice, facilitating partnerships, rewarding initiatives, and sharing knowledge.

The UNDP has established a partnership with the CPSI to mainstream and institutionalize innovation as part of strengthening the public sector and modernize governance systems and processes.

The UNDP and the CPSI is requesting services of an experienced service provider to facilitate three (2) Public Sector Innovation Workshops between October and November 2015, for the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). This is part of a Moetapele initiative of the DHA and seeks to introduce staff to innovation and encourage those with innovative ideas and solutions to submit them to the leadership of the department for consideration.