Services on sampling and conducting laboratory analysis of air and soil on persistent organic pollutants for environmental monitoring

Link to Atlas Project

00071893 - Medical waste management


RFP eng
RFP rus


The United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Kazakhstan (UNDP) in the frames of Project “NIP update, integration of POPs into national planning and promoting sound healthcare waste management in Kazakhstan” is announcing a competitive bidding for: “Services on sampling and conducting laboratory analysis of air and soil on persistent organic pollutants for environmental monitoring”.
Detailed information is given in the attached Request for Proposal and Terms of Reference.

Instructions: proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes to the following address: 14 Bokeykhan str., Astana, 010000, Kazakhstan addressed to Mr. Yerzhan Temirgaliyev, UNDP Procurement Associate not later than 17:00 hours 19 October 2015.

For any questions on this tender please contact Mr. Yerzhan Temirgaliyev, UNDP Procurement Associate by tel.: +7 (7172) 696550 or e-mail
Proposals should be duly signed and stamped. Late quotations will be disqualified automatically.