Project Information Management System for the Global Environmental Finance Unit in UNDP

Link to Atlas Project

00042612 - UNDP/GEF Admin Budget-Dir


Annex 2 - PIMS 3 RFP


UNDP-GEF is seeking for a company to complete the development of a Project Information Management System (PIMS) for the Global Environmental Finance Unit (GEF) in UNDP.

The overall objective of this assignment is to finalize the development of the Project Information Management System (PIMS 3) including: 

1.            Establishment of clean platform built upon modern Application Framework to allow fast and clean development;

2.            Migrate all implemented and usable functionality onto that platform;

3.            Finish the remaining modules, feature requests, upgrades and changes on that platform.
Some components of PIMS3 are completed and functioning, other components are developed but not yet implemented and others are still in the design phase.   

Please refer the attached documents for further information and application.