View Notice

RFP - Community Level Civic Education Programme
Procurement Process :RFP - Request for proposal
Office :UNDP Country Office - SOUTH SUDAN
Deadline :15-Apr-16
Posted on :04-Apr-16
Development Area :OTHER  OTHER
Reference Number :29037
Link to Atlas Project :
00072625 - Support to Democracy and Participation
Documents :
RFP-Community Level Civic Education Programme
Overview :

                                                                  Notice of Request for Proposals (RFP)

                                                                  National CSOs Small Grant Mechanism

I. Background

This Request for proposal (RFP) is a call for the proposals for the National CSOs/NGOs/CBOs/Media for Small Grant opportunity under the UNDP Promotion of Democratic Governance through Civic Education project. The aim of the project is to support National CSOs/NGOs/CBOs/Media to conduct Community level civic education progamme in pertinent democratic governance issues in South Sudan

II. Application process:

     The Request for Proposal documents can be collected in person from the UNDP Democratic Governance and

     Stabilization Unit (DGSU) or by email or from the UNDP website as follows:

1)            UNDP Procurement Office in Juba (Ministries Road)

2)            Website:


Contact Person                            Joseph Aburahoma Saleh

                                                   Project Support Officer



                                                  Dominic Anyanga

                                                  Programme Analyst


                                                  Democracy and Participation Project,

                                                  Democratic Governance and Stabilization Unit

The duly completed proposal should be delivered by hand or send by email to the above office on or before April 15, 2016.16:00 South Sudan local time. Late submitted proposals will be rejected.