RFQ: Minor Repairs for Napak Technical Institute

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00073876 - Local Development and Social Cohesion in Northern Uganda


RFQ Document
Annex 1 and 2


As part of the Local Development and Social Cohesion in Nothern Uganda UNDP on behlaf of the Goeverement of Uganda would liket to carry out minor repair works on th Computer lab of Napak Technical Institute.

Intrested firms should submit their bids a per the RFQ attached.

When preparing your bid, please be guided by the detailed requirements of this RFQ (attached as PDF document) and form attached hereto as Annex 1 and 2   of which a Microsoft Word copy is attached for you convenience. Bids may be submitted on or before 16 May, 2016 at 10.00 a.m by following the submission instructions detailed in the solicitation document.