RFP-003/2016 Organization of Social/Forum Theatre performances on women IDPs’ issues and documenting the process

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The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) – reference RFP-003/2016

Subject: Request for Proposal is issued by UN Women to define a pool of potential contractors for the following services: Organization of Social/Forum Theatre performances on women IDPs’ issues and documenting the process.

Date: 13 May 2016
Expires on: 27 May 2016, 09:30 AM (Kyiv time)

Proposals should be submitted to the designated address by the date and time of the deadline given:

Technical Proposal: unwomen.ukraine@unwomen.org

Subject: RFP/UKR/2016/003 Technical Bid/name of the Company

Financial Proposal: unwomen.ukraine@unwomen.org

Subject: RFP/UKR/2016/003 Financial Bid/name of the Company

Requests for clarification should be addressed to the e-mail address: valeria.vashchenko@unwomen.org

Clarification emails should include a subject header in the following format: “UNW RFP Reference # 003/2016, Request for Clarification, Company/Contractor Name”