National consultant to develop & deliver a training curriculum to media professionals in Jordan on Rio Conventions Writing & Reporting

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Non-UNDP Project


procurement notice
offeror inerest
Terms and conditions of Individual contract


To apply, kindly read the procurement notice, and send the following documents to email:

  1. CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references.

  2. Technical proposal (proposed methodology describing the actions to be taken for successfully completing the assignment)

  3. Financial proposal

No later than 2 August 2016

The cross-cutting capacity development programs/projects (CCCD) in Jordan were developed as concerted efforts to overcome the capacities’ shortcomings that constrain the implementation of Rio conventions and other multilateral environmental agreement (MEA) in Jordan. CCCD seeks to bridge the institutional boundaries and addresses systemic cross-cutting national environmental management issues. CCCD started with the National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA), which was finalized in January 2007.

Among the capacity development priorities identified by NCSA was the lower level of prioritization given to address Rio conventions’ issues and obligations as a result of inadequate capacities, awareness and understanding of the intrinsic values and contributions of the global environment to the sustainable national socio-economic development. 

As a result, the government of Jordan represented by the Ministry of Environment commenced a three-year medium size GEF-funded, UNDP-supported project that aims at mainstreaming Rio Convention provisions into key national sectoral policies and/or legislation in Jordan.

Under this objective, the project will produce core outputs leading to targeted Rio Convention mainstreaming in two priority strategies and plans: The National Rangeland Strategy, the National Drought Management Action Plan.  Roadmaps will be developed for each strategy/plan, and three projects per strategy/plan will pilot high value recommendations at the municipal level. Furthermore, the project is expected to improve the awareness and understanding of Rio Conventions’ contributions to local sustainable development among wide spectrum of stakeholders in Jordan through the development and delivery of innovative awareness raising activities and environmental learning. To this extent, the project recognizes the growing role of media sector in the enhancement of environmental awareness. The great potential of the media in regards to the provision of information on environmental issues, the construction of knowledge and the cultivation of skills and attitudes has been noticed over the recent years. Accordingly, as part of its cost effectiveness approach to promote the principal values of the global environment, the project will rely on media sector to educate and deliver messages to stakeholders in Jordan on the linkages between Rio Conventions and the local socio-economic development.

The main purpose of this assignment is to enhance the role of media sector (electronic, print, audio-visual) in improving stakeholder attitudes on global environmental conservation.

Technical and financial proposals along with CV & 3 references should be submitted, and without such will not be considered). 

(Only Short Listed Candidates will be contacted)

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