Acquisition of Musical Instruments

Link to Atlas Project

00088413 - BRA/14/007 - NEOJIBA III


Invitation to Bid (LTA) Nº JOF-0143-29827/2016

The Joint Operations Facility - JOF, make public to all interested parties that on 06 October 2016, at 03:00 p.m. (Brasília time), in the following address: Setor de Embaixadas Norte (SEN) – Quadra 802 – Conjunto C – Lote 17 / Brasília, DF / CEP: 70800-400, Brasil, a session will be held to receive proposals for the Procurement Process (ITB) JOF-0143-29827/2016 for the Acquisition of Musical Instrumentals for the Project  BRA14007 - NEOJIBA III, according to the conditions set forth in the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP Procurement Guidelines.

All interested firms may download the Bidding Documents from the website registering firm on the list of participants, so that any correspondence regarding the bidding documents can be sent to all bidders.

For further information about how to request the Procurement Documents contact JOF by fax (55.61.3038-9010) or e-mail:

Brasília, September 09th 2016.

JOF Procurement Unit