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Energy Audit Service Providers, for two years, to carry out energy auditing across buildings, municipal street lighting and water pumping systems and agricultural pump-sets
Procurement Process :ITP - Invitation to pre-qualify
Office :UNDP Country Office - INDIA
Deadline :28-Sep-16
Posted on :13-Sep-16
Development Area :SERVICES  SERVICES
Reference Number :32831
Link to Atlas Project :
00060037 - Energy efficiency improvements in commercial buildings
Documents :
e-Tendering instruction manual for bidder
FAQ for bidders
Overview :

UNDP in partnership with MoEFCC and with support from Global environment facility (GEF) is implementing a project on “Market Transformation and Removal of Barriers for Effective Implementation of the State Level Climate Change Action Plans” with an overall goal to reduce GHG emissions achieved through implementation of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency solutions at the state level as identified in the State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCCs) of Jharkhand and Manipur. The development objective of the project is to stimulate implementation of climate change mitigation actions stated in the SAPCCs; maximize the benefits through exploring inter-state cooperation; showcase the actual implementation of SAPCCs; demonstrate institutional mechanisms for inter-state networking and cross learning, including information sharing and technology dissemination; and develop and implement a common monitoring system to assess progress on the SAPCCs in the selected states.

The purpose of this Invitation to Pre-qualification is to short-list service providers, for two years, who would carry out energy audits across a range of buildings, municipal water pumping & street lighting systems and agricultural pump sets in Jharkhand, Manipur and any other State of India.

Please note that this procurement process is being conducted through online tendering system of UNDP. Bidders who wish to submit an offer must register in the system in order to access the bidding document and submit a proposal. To register please visit the link below and follow the instructions provided in the user guide for bidders in the document attached:

Username: event.guest
Password: why2change

Please note:

  1. It is strongly recommended to create your username with two parts, your first name and last name separated by’.”, similar to the one shown above
  2. Once registered you a valid password to the registered email address which you can use for signing in and changing your password. You can participate in the bid event only if you have registered in the system.