RFQ 72/2016 for Supervision of Reconstruction of road in the village of Tabanovce

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00094195 - Support to Local Government Response to Migration Crisis


RFQ 72/2016 for Supervision of Reconstruction of road in the village of Tabanovce
BoQ for Reconstruction of local road in Tabanovce - MK
BoQ for Reconstruction of local road in Tabanovce - EN



Supervision of Reconstruction-rehabilitation of local road in the village of Tabanovce

Надзор над реконструкцијата-рехабилитација на локалниот пат во цело Табановце

1.      UNDP would hereby like to invite interested companies for supervision to submit offers in MKD, VAT exempted, in a sealed envelope not later than 13 October 2016 at 10.00 am at the address of UNDP.

2.      The RFQ including the ToR is available at the UNDP web site http://www.mk.undp.org (Operations/Procurement/Procurement Notices ref. RFQ 72/2016)

3.       Late bids will be rejected.