RFQ 76/2016 for Construction of retaining wall in a school yard in Sopot, Kumanovo

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00094195 - Support to Local Government Response to Migration Crisis


RFQ 76-2016 - Construction of retaining wall in school yard in Sopot
Appendix 1 - Osnoven proekt- Sopot
Appendix 2 - Predmer-Presmetka, Kumanovo_Sopot
Geomehanika Sopot



Construction of retaining wall in a school yard in Sopot, Kumanovo

Изградба на потпорен ѕид во школски двор во Сопот, Куманово

1.      UNDP would hereby like to invite interested construction companies to submit offers in MKD, VAT exempted, in a sealed envelope not later than 26 October 2016 at 10.00 am at the address of UNDP.

2.      The RFQ including the ToR, BoQ, Basic Design and Geo-mechanic is available at the UNDP web site http://www.mk.undp.org (Operations/Procurement/Procurement Notices ref. RFQ 76/2016),

3.       Late bids will be rejected.