RFQ 83 for Designs for wastewater treatment plants and sewerage systems in the Strumica River Basin (LOTs 1-6

Link to Atlas Project

00079273 - Restoration of Strumica River Basin


RFQ 83


Request for quotation 83/2016


Објава на оглас за

Изработка на проектна документација за пречистителни станици и канализации во сливот на река Струмица (ЛОТ 1-6)

Preparation of design for waste water treatment plans and sewerage systems in the Strumica River Basin (LOTs 1-6)


UNDP hereby invites construction companies to submit offers in MKD, VAT exempted in a sealed envelope not later than 03rd November 2016 by 10:00 a.m. at the address of UNDP.

The RFQ is is attached.

Interested Applicants may obtain further information or request clarifications in writing to procurement.mk@undp.org