International Consultant for carrying capacity study for technical guideline on Environmental Protection Planning (EPP)

Link to Atlas Project

00079893 - Enhancing Capacity for Implementing Rio Conventions


Procurement Notice
Financial Offer template


UNDP Viet Nam seeks 01 International Consultant for carrying capacity study for technical guideline on Environmental Protection Planning (EPP).

The assignment aims to support to develop a technical guideline for environmental protection planning (EPP) for implementing EPP in accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection and Guiding Decrees on EPP.

The consultancy is 35 working days starting as soon as possible. More details can be found in the attached documents.

Interested and qualified candidates are invited to send their proposals following instructions in the Procurement Notice to:

Ms. Huynh Huong Thanh at

Procurement Unit, UNDP Viet Nam.

Submission deadline: 26 December 2016

Bidders are requested to send notification by email (without attachment) to informing that they have submitted proposals. UNDP will not be responsible for the missing of proposal if the bidder does not send notification email to the above address.