Firm Level Consultancy Service for Development of a Comprehensive Road Show Strategy & Conduct Pilot Show in Selected Woredas to Promote Rural Energy Technologies-Improved Stoves & Solar Home Systems.

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00086749 - Promoting Sustainable Rural Energy Technologies (RETs).


Bid Document -Word
Scanned Bid Document
Terms of Reference


The Ministry of Water Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE) of Ethiopia in collaboration with several partners, including Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change (MoFECC), UNDP, the Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE) and UNCDF, is implementing the GEF-financed project titled “Promoting Sustainable Rural Energy Technologies (RETs) for Household and Productive Uses”. The project will seek to implement a private sector driven and market based approach towards promoting the use of Rural Energy Technologies in rural communities in Ethiopia in order to increase the use of RETs in the country.

As part of this project component 2 aims to conduct Renewable Energy technologies (RETs) promotion campaign in nine regional states of Ethiopia in selected off-grid woredas.

Application Instruction:

Download both TOR and RFP Proposal Submission Form from the following link:

Strictly follow the instructions indicated in the IC Proposal Submission Form uploaded hereto; and

Group of Individuals or Individuals are not eligible for this consultancy assignment (open only for National Firms)

  • Documents Required:

The following proposals must be prepared as per the RFP Proposal Submission Instructions. The Proposals shall be submitted on or before application deadline December 14, 2016 via UNDP Ethiopia Secured mail address:

  • Technical Proposal in pdf under file name:ETH-RFP-2016-11 – TP - [insert your name];
  • Financial Proposal in pdf under file name: ETH-RFP-2016-11– FP - [insert your name];
  • Please note that these proposals shall be submitted to the designated secured email into two files but in one email unless both Files are Greater than 9MB file size.

Important Note:

  • A candidate applying only by uploading CV to this job site will not be considered. Instead, both Technical and Financial Proposals shall be submitted to UNDP Secured email:
  • Those prospect consultants who fail to submit both Technical and financial proposals as per the standard format and to the designated secured email will not be further considered for evaluation.
  • Please group all your documents into single PDF document as the system only allows to upload maximum one document.
  • While submitting your proposals to be sure your email subject line is ETH-RFP-2016-11 in order to let our Office easily locate your respective proposals from secured email and be considered in subsequent evaluations.