Call for Proposal “Testing a model of work of Youth center in Podgorica”

Link to Atlas Project

00046976 - UNCT coordination and joint programming


Open Call for NGOs Youth centre
Application NGO_ENG
CSO Proposal Template


United Nations Development Programme in Montenegro invites by this

Call for Proposal

Interested NGOs to propose the plan for implementation of the project “Testing a model of work of Youth centre in Podgorica”.

The application form and detailed application guidelines can be found on the website;

Applications will be considered only if they are provided with the official seal and signature of authorized person. Applications together with attachments, in a sealed envelope should be returned to the following address: UN Eco Building, Stanko Dragojevic, 81000 Podgorica, with a note "for the project: "Testing a model of work of Youth centre in Podgorica’’, to the following address:

United Nations Eco House, Stanka Dragojevica bb, 81000 Podgorica, during working days from 09:00 to 16:00 or by email address,  attaching snanned, PDF copies of all relevant documents. 

Deadline for applications is 9thFebruary 2017, at 12:00 (noon) local time.