Request for Applications: Uganda Country Training Workshops on Environment, Community, Health & Safety in the Development Minerals Sector

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                                                      REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS

Uganda Country Training Workshops on Environment, Community, Health & Safety in the Development Minerals Sector


                                                   ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme


The ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme is a three-year, €13.1 million capacity building program that aims to build the profile, and improve the management, of Development Minerals (industrial minerals; construction materials; dimension stones; and semi-precious stones). The program is an initiative of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States, financed by the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and implemented by UNDP.

The mining of Development Minerals has important implications for sustainable development, however, they have to date received inadequate attention for their potential to impact livelihoods; and few development Programmes have provided support for this mining sub-sector. Development Minerals provide crucial inputs for domestic economic development (infrastructure, manufacturing, construction and agriculture to name a few) and have the potential to be high value in terms of national development. In comparison to the metals sector, Development Minerals have closer links with the local economy, and have the potential to generate more local jobs, with a greater impact on poverty reduction. This is partly because the sector is dominated by small and medium scale domestic businesses. However, the income generation potential of the sector often remains unrealized or under-realized. This is in part due to the uncertain legal and regulatory framework in which the sector operates and the lack of publicly available and easily accessible geological data, which exacerbates wasteful exploration and discourages investment in the sector.

 Furthermore, there can be significant social and environmental impacts associated with the mining of Development Minerals, with consequences on health and safety of workers in this sector and surrounding communities. The programme is making contribution to addressing these challenges through targeted capacity support to mining sector stakeholders towards robust environmental, health & safety practices; improved mining and quarry management and effective conflict resolution and community relations.

The Programme, in partnership with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals Development, is conducting 5-day country-level training workshops in the various regions of Uganda in the thematic areas of Environment, Community and Health and Safety. The workshops will be hosted in Mbale, Entebbe, Gulu and Mbarara districts and will be attended by approximately forty participants in each the four districts. The training workshops have the following objectives:

  • Increase the awareness of environment, community, and health and safety issues and challenges
  • Facilitate south-south knowledge exchange on the practices and governance arrangements necessary for the sector to contribute to inclusive and sustainable development
  • Build the capacity of individual stakeholders through participation in the training workshop and the preparation of return-to-work plans

UNDP is now accepting expressions of interest to participate in the training programmes that cover these thematic areas.  The training participants will include public stakeholders such as regulatory agencies and local governments, private sector stakeholders such as small-scale mining enterprises, associations, business development stakeholders including universities and civil society stakeholders and community groups from Uganda. Applicants must demonstrate an interest and experience in working in Uganda’s Mining sector, be based in the four regions covered in the aforementioned districts and be willing to prepare and implement Return to Work Plans. Each applicant is requested to write a cover letter justifying their eligibility for selection for training and fill in the Request for Applications form appended on this document.

Please note that incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Selection criteria of candidates


  • Experienced professionals working in at least one of the fields of environment, community, gender, or health and safety related to the mining of Development Minerals.
  • Minimum of 3 years of relevant professional experience in topics related to mining and sustainable development with knowledge of small scale mining and quarrying.
  • Working knowledge of one or more of the following commodity subsectors an advantage: construction materials ; dimension stones; industrial minerals and semi-precious stones.
  • Currently employed by an organization with relevance to the training thematic areas (unemployed participants will not be considered).
  • Familiarity with international standards as well as industry best practices on mining governance, health & safety, environment, gender and community considered an asset.
  • Self-sponsorship an asset

Applications should be submitted by email to ; further information requests can be channeled to latest by 10th March 2017; UNDP espouses equal participation of men and women and women are highly encouraged to apply.

Deadline for submission of applications: March 20, 2017.        Languages Required: English

For further details, please visit