The Call for proposal

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00082289 - CCCD in Georgia


Annex to Announcement
Call for Proposal



To Support Capacity Development to ADVOCATE MEETING the National and International obligations Under the biodiversity Conservation, Climate change Adaption and Mitigation and Sustainable Land Management Practices.

The Call for proposals in announced for NGOs under the project “Harmonization of Information Management for Improved Knowledge and Monitoring of Global Environment in Georgia” (CCCD in Georgia) funded by the Global Environmental Facility and United Nations Development Programme.

The project is implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia through its subordinated entity “Environmental Information and Education Centre”.

   The package of documents and the letter of expression of interest should be submitted in hard copies no later than 17:00 p.m. 2 May, 2017 in a sealed envelope with a text on it: CCCD in Georgia. CALL FOR PROPOSALS - To Support Capacity Development to Advocate Meeting the National and International Obligations Under the Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Change Adaption and Mitigation and Sustainable Land Management Practices

In addition to the hard copies one electronic copy of all documents (text and/or PDF files on a CD).

The consultation meeting:

The consultation meeting will be held on 25th April, 2017 10:00 at #76C Chavchavadze Ave. (Project office).

The organisations interested to attend the meeting should notify UNDP no later than 24th of April via e-mail to the following address:

Contact Person for the Call for Expression of Interest:

Eka Zedelashvili

CCCD project in Georgia, Project Assistant