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Procurement Process :RFQ - Request for quotation
Deadline :01-May-17
Posted on :19-Apr-17
Reference Number :37110
Link to Atlas Project :
00081156 - Efficient Energy Production and Utilization of Cookstove
Documents :
Overview :

Poorly managed firewood and charcoal production in addition to subsistence agricultural practices are reported to have exacerbated forest as well as land degradation, and reduced soil fertility in Sierra Leone. Forest degradation from firewood collection and charcoal production gained momentum over the years in most parts of the country, contributing significantly to lower forest cover, wildlife habitat loss/fragmentation and illegal encroachment in protected areas. The government of Sierra Leone is working hard to improve on household energy (including firewood and charcoal) availability, accessibility and its efficient use. It was in this light, that the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Energy received a grant from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in collaboration with National Protected Area Authority (NPAA) and the Ministry of Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) to implement a project on Energy Efficient Production and Utilization of Charcoal through Innovative Technologies and Private Sector Involvement in Sierra Leone. The project is aimed at bringing economic, social and environmental benefits through the production of certified charcoal from sustainably sourced feedstock and through the promotion of improved cook stoves to reduce firewood demand, improve health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There are three components to this project. Component 3 which is Improved, more efficient production and efficient utilization of certified charcoal and cook stove. Has a respective outcome that is the production and utilization of certified charcoal and certified improved cook stoves?

A joint mission on preliminary assessment organized by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS), UNDP, and Ministry of Energy (MoE) for the scaling up the 24 ha of pilot renewable bioenergy woodlots in Mawoma section, Koya chiefdom, Port Loko to Moyamba Junction in Moyamba District. For this new location, community preferred tree species type, is sought.