UNDP/AFG/RFP/2017/0000001397 - Professional Services for beneficiary survey for Women Economic Empowerment in Herat and Dikundi.

Link to Atlas Project

00091070 - Enhancing Gender Equality & Mainstreaming in Afghanistan


RFP 1397, Invitation Letter
RFP 1397_beneficiary survey for Women Economic Empowerment
eTendering Instructions Manual for Bidders
FAQ for bidders Release No 4 June 2016
Addendum No.1 and Responses to Clarifications
Addendum No 2


UNDP/AFG/RFP/2017/0000001397 - Professional Services for beneficiary survey for Women Economic Empowerment in Herat and Dikundi.


1) Deadline Extended:

Original Deadline:  17-June-2017    01:30 AM EDT

Extended Deadline: 25-Jun-2017     01:30 AM EDT

2) Amendment No.1 uploaded on 15 June 2017

3) Extended Deadline: 03 July 2017 01:30 AM EDT

Amendemnt No. 2 uploaded on 22 June 2017