IC - MID-TERM EVALUATION OF THE UNDP/GEF Project: PIMS 4434: Integrated Approach to Management of Forests in Turkey, with Demonstration in High Conservation Value Forests in the Mediterranean Region

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00070163 - PIMS 4434:Integrated Approach Forests in Turkey


Procurement Notice



Description of the Assignment: MID-TERM EVALUATION OF THE UNDP/GEF Project: PIMS 4434: Integrated Approach to Management of Forests in Turkey, with Demonstration in High Conservation Value Forests in the Mediterranean Region

Related Project Name: Integrated Approach to Management of Forests in Turkey, with Demonstration in High Conservation Value Forests in the Mediterranean Region

Reference Code: SFM/IC/2017-03

Period of Assignment/Services: 03 July 2017 – 30 September 2017

Proposal should be submitted by email to tr.ic.proposal@undp.org no later than 19 June 2017, COB.

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the address or e-mail indicated above before 3 April 2017. UNDP will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.

1. Background

The project in collaboration with the GDF is a 5 year long (2013-2018) GEF Full Size Project, namely Integrated Approach to Management of Forests in Turkey, with Demonstration in High Conservation Value Forests in the Mediterranean Region, aka SFM GEF Project. The project has a unique structure with its multi focal area objectives (i.e. Climate Change Mitigation, Sustainable Forest Management and Biodiversity) which would provide opportunities to implement activities in a holistic way for integrating forests with environmental and land use policies, rural development, wood and non-wood products and services. More particularly, the project will demonstrate approaches to generating, measuring, reporting on, and verifying carbon, biodiversity and socio-economic benefits generated through this integrated approach at five Mediterranean forest sites (over a total area of 450,000 ha).

For further details, please see Annex 1 (Terms of Reference).

2. Scope of Work, Responsibilities and Description of the Proposed Analytical Work

The MTR will assess progress towards the achievement of the project objectives and outcomes as specified in the Project Document, and assess early signs of project success or failure with the goal of identifying the necessary changes to be made in order to set the project on-track to achieve its intended results. The MTR will also review the project’s strategy, its risks to sustainability.

3. Requirements for Experience and Qualifications

The consultant should have the following experience and qualifications:


Minimum Requirements


General Qualifications

  • Bachelor Degree in Energy, Natural Resorurces, Environmental Economics, Engineering, Business Administration, Economics, Forestry or other related areas.
  • Fluency in English both written and spoken.
  • Full computer literacy.
  • Good knowledge and experience on integrated forest management and/or biodiversity and/or climate change
  • Higher Degree in relevant field.

Professional Experience

  • Minimum eight (8) years of professional experience.


  • More than ten (10) years of professional experience.


Specific Experience

  • 5 years of professional experience in providing management or consultancy services to environment and/or forestry projects.
  • Experience in monitoring and evaluating environment projects for UN or other international development agencies (at least in one project).
  • Sound knowledge in results-based management (especially results-oriented monitoring and evaluation).
  • Knowledge of GEF M&E guidelines and procedures.
  • More than 8 years of professional experience in providing management or consultancy services to environment and/or forestry projects.


  • Internships (paid/unpaid) are not considered professional experience.
  • Obligatory military service is not considered professional experience.
  • Professional experience gained in an international setting is considered international experience.

The consultant should avoid any kind of discriminatory behavior including gender discrimination and ensure that

  • human rights and gender equality is prioritized as an ethical principle within all actions;
  • activities are designed and implemented in accordance with “Social and Environmental Standards of UNDP”;
  • any kind of diversities based on ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, class, gender are respected within all implementations including data production;
  • differentiated needs of women and men are considered;
  • inclusive approach is reflected within all actions and implementations, in that sense an enabling and accessible setup in various senses such as disability gender language barrier is created;
  • necessary arrangements to provide gender parity within all committees, meetings, trainings etc. introduced.

4. Documents to be Included when Submitting the Proposals

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

Financial proposal as per template (please see section 5, below and Annex 2)

Personal Updated CV and UN Personal History Form (P11 Form) including past experience in similar projects and at least 2 references[1]

5. Financial Proposal

The interested individual consultants must submit their financial proposals by following the guidance and the standard template provided in Annex 2. Any deviation from the standard text may lead to disqualification.

6. Evaluation

The evaluation will be based on cumulative analysis (i.e. technical qualifications and price proposal). The weight of the technical criteria is 70%; the weight of the financial proposal is 30%. Candidates that obtain a minimum of 70 pts out of a maximum 100 pts will be considered for the financial evaluation. Candidates that do not meet the minimum requirements will be disqualified.


Maximum Points


Weighted Score


100 pts


70 pts

General Qualifications

30 pts



General Professional Experience

20 pts



Specific Professional Experience

50 pts




100 pts


30 pts

7. Annexes

The following annexes are an integral part of this procurement notice. In case of any conflict between the provisions of the Annex 3 and the procurement notice and/or Annex 1 and/or Annex 2, the provisions of Annex 3 are applicable.

Annex 1: Terms of Reference

Annex 2: Price proposal guideline and template

Annex 3: General Conditions of Contract for Individual Consultants


 [1]UNDP will contact directly with the provided names for reference check purposes without any prior notification to the applicant.