National Consultant for the design of the UNDP Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme for the private sector in Turkey

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Non-UNDP Project




Location: UN House Ankara (there will be need to travel to Istanbul)

Type of Contract: Individual Contract

Post Level: National Consultant

Languages Required: English and Turkish

Duration of the Contract: 3 July-31 December 2017 (up to 60 working days during contract validity)


Terms of Reference

National Consultant for the design of the UNDP Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme for the private sector in Turkey


1           Background and Context

UNDP, the global development network of the United Nations system present in 166 countries and territories, is uniquely equipped to help developing countries build sustainable capacity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In support of this, UNDP offers a wide range of solutions to global, regional and national development challenges through a comprehensive knowledge network, expert practitioners and focused strategic areas of support.


The UNDP Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme for Public and Private Enterprises involves national governments, private sector companies and civil society to establish and achieve standards that promote gender equality and empower women. Once participating companies successfully complete the certification programme, they are awarded a Gender Equality Seal, a recognized symbol of gender equality in the workplace. In the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UNDP Gender Equality Seal Certification Programme provides the public and private sectors with a roadmap and tool to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by reducing gender gaps and promoting both equality in the workplace and women’s economic empowerment.


The Gender Equality Seal (GES) Certification Programme certifies that a company actively promotes equality among workers, and that it does so according to the requirements of a Gender Equality Management System (GEMS). By bringing in a gender perspective to a company’s overall management system, GEMS allows businesses to integrate comprehensive measures to change their organizational structure and culture, creating fairer and more decent conditions for workers. The aim is to develop a company strategy that incorporates gender equality as an integral part of corporate governance and “good business.” Implementing GEMS calls for the improvement of human resource management systems, including, for example, recruitment and promotion criteria, strategic planning and internal and external communication procedures. A well designed GEMS offers a clear path for implementing and evaluating the necessary measures to be adopted to reach gender equality in the company.


The certification programme, launched in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), is now a global initiative with companies interested in joining it in a number of other regions. Since its launch in 2007, more than 1,700 national and multinational institutions in both public and private sectors in the LAC region have participated in the programme and some 1,400 have been certified by governments.


Based on the experience and lessons learned, UNDP Turkey Country Office in Ankara and the Istanbul Regional Hub (IRH) of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (UNDP ECIS) plan to adapt the programme for Turkey in cooperation with the private sector and relevant state institutions.


The incumbent will work with both UNDP Turkey Country Office in Ankara and the Istanbul Regional Hub (IRH) of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (UNDP ECIS) to design a Gender Seal Private Sector Programme for Turkey and formulate a model to implement the programme appropriate to the country context.   


2. Description of Responsibilities

Under the overall supervision and guidance of the UNDP Turkey Country Office (Inclusive and Democratic Governance Team and the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub (Gender Team) and in consultation with the private sector and state institutions, the consultant is expected to do the following. The consultant shall work under the supervision of the Inclusive and Democratic Governance Portfolio Manager in the UNDP Turkey Country Office in Ankara and the UNDP Regional Gender Advisor based in İstanbul. The deliverables listed in Section 3 shall be approved by UNDP Inclusive and Democratic Governance Portfolio Manager, to be accepted.


1. Formulate concept and programme document

·         Conduct a desk review of all relevant information, documentation and literature on gender issues in the private sector in Turkey, with special focus on issues and approaches related with elimination of gender-based discrimination in employment and occupation. The review will be limited to the work of Global Compact, Women’s Empowerment Principles, and past and ongoing initiatives by the Turkish authorities in cooperation with the private sector

  • Conduct interviews and meetings with relevant actors in private sector and state institutions, including the relevant Ministries and the Grand National Assembly Equal Opportunities Commission for Man and Woman (KEFEK), and women’s organizations and entrepreneur associations to identify priorities for the UNDP GES Certification Programme in Turkey.

·         Familiarize private sector representatives and state institutions in with key concepts, goals, strategies, and possible implementation models of the UNDP GES Certification Programme and explore and develop collaboration on programme activities.

  • Based on the information gathered and consultation with partners design a comprehensive three-year programme, including an annual work plan,  resource and results framework, budget, strategy, proposed funding modalities, and roles and responsibilities of parties, as per UNDP format.
  • Present the programme document to the UNDP CO management team and IRH Gender Team as well as private sector and public stakeholders involved.
  • Submit the finalized GES Certification Programme document, along with an implementation model, as well as a final report with a list of meetings/ interviews and contacts and resources consulted.


2.    Support UNDP in the adoption of the GES Certification Programme in Turkey:

·         Substantially contribute to the work of UNDP for the achievement of the following:

-     Coordinate GES meetings including the development of agendas and follow-up actions

-     Contribute actively to the engagement with donors and private sector partners to mobilize resources for the GES Certification Programme.


3. Engage and liaise with the private sector, parliament, civil society and other relevant actors:

  • Liaise with the key partners of the project, including governmental and private sector bodies.
  • Engage private and public enterprises, and business associations potentially interested in implementing the Gender Equality Seal.

·         Help to identify and evaluate Gender Equality Agents who will provide quality assurance for the GES Certification Programme

  • Help to set up a peer exchange platform of companies that will participate in the programme.


4. Develop national capacities for implementation of the GES Certification Programme:

·         Lead the substantive drafting and design of the standards for evaluation in close coordination with the key partners of the programme.

·         Support knowledge sharing and peer learning, including liaising with UNDP regional office and other stakeholders to collect and disseminate best practices and lessons learned related to the implementation of the programme.


3. Duration and Deliverables

The assignment will start in July 2017 and be completed in November 2017. The table below outlines the number of working days that are allocated to the Consultant to carry out the assignment.

Please note that in order to fulfill required tasks for the development of deliverables as defined and listed in the table above, the estimated number of days to be invested are provided in the table below. The number of days presented as ‘estimated number of working days to be invested’ is indicative. The ICs may invest less/more than the expected number of days to finalize each output.

The payment for each deliverable will be made on the basis of the actual number of days invested for that respective   deliverable; however, the overall number of days to be invested for all deliverables cannot exceed 60 days. The amount paid shall be gross and inclusive of all associated costs such as social security, pension and income tax.

The deliverables expected from the consultant are as follows:





Target Deadline

Estimated # of working days foreseen to be invested

Submission and approval of desk review report on all relevant information, documentation and literature on gender issues in the private sector in Turkey

18 July 2017

10 w/d

Submission and approval of report on consultations with stakeholders

5 August 2017

10 w/d

Submission and approval of report including a draft programme document  

30 August 2017

10 w/d

Submission and approval of draft UNDP strategy on implementation of GES Certification Programme in Turkey and profile of Gender Equality Agents

30 September 2017

10 w/d

Submission and approval of draft standards for evaluation

30 October 2017

10 w/d

Submission and approval of the  final report

30 November 2017

10 w/d


60 working days

4.      Institutional Arrangement


UNDP is not required to provide any physical facility for the work of the IC. However depending on the availability of physical facilities (e.g. working space, computer, printer, telephone lines, internet connection etc.) and at the discretion of the UNDP such facilities may be provided at the disposal of the IC.


The consultant shall work under the supervision of the Inclusive and Democratic Governance Portfolio Manager in the UNDP Turkey Country Office in Ankara and the UNDP Regional Gender Advisor based in İstanbul. The deliverables listed in Section 3 shall be approved by UNDP Inclusive and Democratic Governance Portfolio Manager, to be accepted. The Consultant will be paid for each deliverable only upon the approval and acceptance of deliverables as described.


UNDP will provide project documents and background information in gender seal, previous works conducted in the field. The Consultant will provide the draft reports/deliverables to the supervisor and will be responsible for responding to feedback and finalizing the deliverables within at most 10 working days.

5.       Place of Work and Guidance for Price Proposal


The assignment will start in July 2017 and end in November 2017.  The duty station of the consultant will be Ankara, and there will be need to travel to Istanbul. It is expected that the Consultant will travel to İstanbul 5 times throughout contract validity. Each travel is expected to last for 2-3 days. The travel, accommodation costs (bed and breakfast) of the missions will be borne by the UNDP through UNDP’s official travel agency  However, living costs (lunch, dinner, etc.) will be covered by the IC during these missions.

In case of need for additional travels that are unforeseen in the ToR, the respective travels of the consultant may either be;

§  Arranged and covered by UNDP CO from the respective project budget without making any reimbursements to the IC or

§  Reimbursed to the consultant upon the submission of the receipts/invoices of the expenses by the consultant and approval of the UNDP. The reimbursement of each cost item subject to following constraints/conditions provided in below table;

§  covered by the combination of the above options


The method to be applied will be decided and communicated by UNDP to the Consultant prior to each mission.


The following guidance on travel compensation is provided per UNDP practice.


Cost item


Conditions of Reimbursement

Travel (intercity transportation)

Full-fare economy class tickets


1-  Approval of UNDP before the initiation of travel

2-  Submission of the invoices/receipt, etc. by the consultant with the UNDP’s F-10 Form

3-  Approval of UNDP


Up to 50% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


Up to 6% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


Up to 12% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


Up to 12% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location

Other Expenses (intra city transportations, transfer cost from /to terminals, etc.)

Up to 20% of effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


6. Minimum Qualification Requirements


·         Bachelor’s degree in social sciences

·         Master’s degree in Gender Studies, broad social sciences or related disciplines is an asset

General Professional Experience

  • At least five years of work experience in the fields of gender equality, at least three of which are in the field of gender equality  in employment, in particular gender mainstreaming in  organizational settings;
  • Proven experience in providing training and developing capacities of public/private actors;

Specific Professional Experience

  • Excellent understanding of organizational management, total quality management systems;
  • In-depth understanding of the dynamics of gender equality in Turkey and the ECIS region;
  • Excellent report writing and presentation skills;

·         Knowledge of Organizational Development, Human Resources, Business Administration, or Economics an asset;

  • Excellent oral and writing skills in English.



-       Internships (paid/unpaid) are not considered professional experience.

-       Obligatory military service is not considered professional experience.

-       Professional experience gained in an international setting is considered international experience.

-       Experience gained prior to completion of undergraduate studies is not considered professional experience.

7. Payments

The amount paid to the consultant shall be gross and inclusive of all associated costs such as social security, pension and income tax etc.

Payments will be made within 30 days upon acceptance and approval of the corresponding deliverable by UNDP on the basis of actual number of days invested in that respective deliverable. The total amount of payment to be effected to the Consultant within the scope of this contract cannot exceed 60 days.

If the deliverables are not produced and delivered by the consultant to the satisfaction of UNDP as approved by the Inclusive and Democratic Governance Portfolio Manager, no payment will be made even if the consultant has invested working/days to produce and deliver such deliverables.

Tax Obligations: The IC is solely responsible for all taxation or other assessments on any income derived from UNDP. UNDP will not make any withholding from payments for the purposes of income tax. UNDP is exempt from any liabilities regarding taxation and will not reimburse any such taxation to the IC.