Production of 5-minute video on Central African forests

Link to Atlas Project

00092735 - Central African Forest Initiative Secretariat


Terms of Reference (with Annex 1)
Annex 2 - Form to complete to submit RFP
Request for Proposals - Video production


Central Africa is home to the second largest tropical rainforest in the world. Forest loss is accelerating despite ongoing efforts, as government action alone has not been sufficient to establish an effective balance between the interests of the forest and of economic development.

On this basis, a coalition of willing donors – the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of France and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – together with Central African partner countries – Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of Cameroon, the Republic of Congo, the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, and the Republic of Gabon – have decided to enter into a collaborative partnership to establish the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI,

The objective of this initiative is to recognize and preserve the value of the forests in the region to mitigate climate change, reduce poverty, and contribute to sustainable development. This objective will be attained through the implementation of country‐led, national scale REDD+ and Low Emissions Development (LED) investment frameworks that include policy reforms and measures to address the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and promote sustainable development.

To scale up its communication efforts, the Central African Forest Initiative is seeking a movie production company to produce a 5-min video documentary on Central African forests.



The goal of this 5-minute documentary is to attract the attention of decision-makers in developed countries (such as existing or potential new donors to CAFI) on the immense, yet often neglected potential of Central African forests for climate and development, as well as on national efforts already underway in a region whose governments are often characterized as corrupt and neglectful of their own people. The documentary will be visually striking, human-centered (but not miserabilistic), and pragmatic about challenges and actions.

Plot summary

The documentary will showcase the unique characteristics and importance of Central African forests for both local populations (livelihoods) and humankind (climate change & biodiversity), alert on the threats these forests are facing and highlight actions and commitments taken by Central African governments and their partners. A full story can be found in Annex 1 (in the attached ToR).


The target audience is “Northern” civil society and decision-makers who are not fully aware of the importance neither of Central African forests nor of existing commitments and concrete actions taken by Central African governments.  To reach a broad audience, the movie will be narrated in English with French subtitles.


The video(s) will be shown as curtain raiser at international events on climate change, starting with COP 23 in Bonn, and will be posted on the web for general audiences.

Format:  Five-minute video

Visuals (see Annex 1 in attached ToR)

  • provided: some shots of forests and people in central Africa
  • to be shot: woman and man working in central African forests and additional footage as per Annex 1
  • montage of overlapping maps

Audio will include narration, natural sound and copyright-free music.

The video will feature a script and 2 versions in English and French.


  1. Revision of rough script that will be provided in English.

  2. A professionally edited video in English with mixed sound and subtitles in French.

  3. Delivered through uploading to an FTP site and provision of URL and password.

  4. All raw footage is to be made available on an external hard drive, together with a version of same video as above

  5. A completed standard clearance / liability release form should be provided for people featured in the video.

         Deliverable / outputs

Estimated duration of completion

Target due date

Review and approvals required

1.      Shoot footage on location (see Annex 1);

Suggest, if needed, revisions to  script (annex 1) for the 5-minute  video


18 August 2017

Running dialogue between the selected company / vendor and CAFI Sect.

2.     Finalize the story board

(See Annex 1 to discuss with selected Vendor)


25 August 2017

Running dialogue between the selected company / vendor and CAFI

3.      Develop the 5-minute movie (At the same time, CAFI Secretariat to translate the approved English script into French)


29 August 2017

CAFI Sect. reviews and approves

4.      English voice over

1 day

31 August 2017

CAFI Sect. reviews and approves

5.     Post editing – develop and add French subtitles

1 day          

6 September 2017

CAFI Sect. reviews and approves

Scope of Proposal and Schedule of Payments:

A completed Request for Proposal Form (see Annex 2 attached) with all-inclusive financial proposals and details of breakdown prices. (The term ‘all inclusive” implies that all costs (professional fees, communications, utilities, consumables, insurance, etc.) that could possibly be incurred by the Contractor are already factored into the final amounts submitted in the proposal).

Travel is expected to be needed in this project, and should be included in the proposal.

Payment is foreseen to take place in two instalments:  50% upon the completion and approval of deliverable/output 3 above, and remaining 50% upon the confirmation of receipt of satisfactory final product by 6 September 2017.

Required Skills and Experience:

Expertise in developing creative animation video clips – please provide URLs to previous video products together with the financial proposal in the Request for Proposal Form (see Annex 2 in attached TOR);

Experience of working on issues related to international development, such as poverty reduction and environmental sustainability; and

Ability to deliver against tight deadlines.

Criteria for Selection of Best Offer: Combined Scoring method. The qualification and methodology will be given a 70% weight and combined with the price offer, which will be weighted 30%.

The (70%) qualifications and methodology will be divided as follows:

  • Quality of portfolio of creative animation video clips (evaluated by reviewing submitted samples of previous video products): 70 points

  • Proposed methodology and timeline for the completion of services: 10 points

  • Qualifications of key personnel to be engaged in this project from the selected vendor: 10 points

  • Expressed ability and commitment to delivery against tight deadlines (e.g. include references of previous clients): 10 points

See attached Terms of Reference for more details.