ITB-020-17: Mosul Clean-Up Project: Nerkal District in two Lots, Ninewa

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00089459 - Funding Facility for Stabilization


ITB - 020/17 Mosul Clean up Narkal
ITB-20/17 Instruction to bidders
BOQ Lot-1 Excel
BOQ Lot-2


ITB-020-17: Mosul Clean-Up Project: Cash for Work in Mosul City,  Nerkal District in two Lots,  Ninewa Governorate

Lot 1:  Mohandesen,Nerkal, Zeraee,Nasir,Swes and Faisaliya

Lot 2: Khofran,Naby Yonis, Maliya,Mohamad AlFatih,Dhobat,Jazaer and AlNumaniya


Dear Sir/Madam:


The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to submit a Bid to this Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the above-referenced subject. 


This ITB includes the following documents:

Section 1 – This Letter of Invitation

Section 2 – Instructions to Bidders (including Data Sheet)

Section 3 – Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications

Section 4 – Bid Submission Form

Section 5 – Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Bidder

Section 6 – Technical Bid Form

Section 7 – Price Schedule Form

Section 8 – Form for Bid Security

Section 9 – Form for Performance Security (Not Required)

Section 10 – Form for Advanced Payment Guarantee (Not Applicable)
Section 11 – Contract to be Signed, including General Terms and Conditions


Your offer, comprising of a Technical Bid and Price Schedule, must be delivered on or before Tuesday 25 July 2017 before 1400 hours to by mentioning the ITB Reference No. ITB-020/17 Mosul Clean-Up Project: Cash for Work in Mosul City, Nerkal District,  Ninewa Governorate.


The bidders are advised to conduct the physical site visit for complete understanding of Scope of Work prior sending the formal bid to UNDP. The site visit will be conducted on 17 July 2017 between 11:00 till 13:00


Focal Person: Eng. Diyar Al Jaf

Mobile: 07507324884


Location for site visit: East Mosul


Should you require any clarification, kindly send your querries to Mr. Shahzad Khan Baghash at

We look forward your active participation in the tender process.

Best regards