RFP-ZIM-GF-049-2017 -SAP

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00077591 - Addressing Critical Gaps HIV Prevention, Treatment, Care


RFP-ZIM-GF-040-2017 SAP


The Zimbabwe Capacity Development Plan 2015-2017 (phase 3) supports the development of strong functional capacities within the MoHCC, National Aids Council (NAC), Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) and NatPharm. UNDP and Global Fund are co-funding the Capacity Development (CD) Project. The purpose of the plan is to ensure that the national entities have the systems, procedures and technical expertise in place to successfully implement efficient and effective programmes. Increased focus has been placed on those functions that still require support from UNDP, in particular for PFMS, a System Applications Product (SAP), to ensure that these roles transition to national partners in the future. UNDP wishes to engage a SAP management consultant to work closely with the MOHCC Program Coordination Unit (PCU), Local Partner, MOHCC Finance Department, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MOFED) PFMS (SAP) technical Team, Internal Audit, MOHCC Accountants and IT support at Provincial level and UNDP Programme Management Unit (PMU) and Country Office to further configure the PFMS-Grants Management Module so that it meets Global Fund requirements and country needs.

A.Project Description 

The PFMS project covers a broad list of areas of which Information Systems (IS) is one among others. The component of the required consultancy, as elaborated in these Terms of Reference, is focused on the SAP-based system which has since been developed by a third party. User Acceptance Tests carried out so far have revealed some shortcomings for which the engaged third party needs assistance.

One of the main investments of the Phase 3 Capacity Development Plan funded by the Global Fund and UNDP has been in the PFMS and the main achievements are as follows;

  • Connectivity at district level through the installation and commissioning of fiber-optic cables to provide broadband for PFMS. This has been done in conjunction with the Electronic Patient Management System (ePMS) to share and reduce the cost and enable an efficient installation.
  • To compliment the connectivity hardware in the form of computers and printers have been delivered and installed in the provinces and districts.
  • A Grant Management Module has been developed under PFMS to enable the tracking of donor funds and it has been configured for MOHCC.
  • Initial training for PFMS Grant Management Module has been done at all levels of health care, as well as the Materials Management Module (MMM) for procurement.