ETH/IC/2017/013 - Recruitment of International Consultant to conduct an analysis, including mapping of vulnerable zones in drought affected regions, including Somali, Afar and SNPP regions in Ethiopia

Link to Atlas Project

00078795 - Coordination for Results


ETH/IC/2017/013 - Terms of Reference (ToR)
ETH/IC/2017/013 - IC Proposal Submission Form



Ethiopia is a fast-growing country in the Horn of Africa within the sub-Saharan African region. The country is highly prone to various disasters since decades. It faces both natural disasters, predominantly drought in major parts of the country and floods and manmade disasters including refugee influx and conflicts in the border regions of the country. In 2016, . . .


  1. Analytical evidence to introduce bundle+ approach: Consolidation and analysis of existing evidence will provide an analytical basis for piloting bundle+ approach that integrates humanitarian and development interventions in relevant geographical areas.
  2. Strengthen evidence-based policy advocacy and planning: The UN System is committed to increase its attention towards more policy advocacy and partnerships, especially for ‘multi-year planning and financing’, based on evidence from this analysis.
  3. Focus attention on priority needs and reducing specific vulnerabilities: Identification and implementation of collective outcomes for better bridging the humanitarian and development divide.
  4. Strengthen coherence and collaboration between humanitarian and development actors: The analysis offers an opportunity to feed into strategies for development and humanitarian interventions. It will assist the partners to conceptualize and establish an integrated coordination architecture. 



  • Master’s degree in the social sciences (sociology, anthropology, development studies), Economics/Statistics or related fields relevant for the assignment


  • Experience of having undertaken/participated previously in a UN Analysis (country analysis, situation analysis, humanitarian appeal process) will be a major advantage.
  • Minimum of 10 years of relevant research and analysis experience at the national or international levels, involving multi-stakeholder actors;


  • Excellent command of English, both spoken and written; Amharic language skills would be plus

Functional Competencies:

  • Excellent knowledge of the recent developments in the area of humanitarian and development operations in general and of nexus issues in particular.
  • Proven analytical skills and proficiency in writing in English.
  • Proven record demonstrating ability to deliver quality reports/analysis and results in line with established deadlines.

Core Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UN;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism; and
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.


  • Strictly follow the instructions indicated in the IC Proposal Submission Form uploaded hereto.
  • Group of Individuals and/or Firms are not eligible for this consultancy assignment (open only for individual consultant).


The following proposals must be prepared as per the IC Proposal Submission Instructions. The Proposals shall be submitted before application deadline August 2, 2017 via UNDP Ethiopia Secured mail address:

  • Technical Proposal in pdf under file name: ETH-IC-2017-013 – TP - [insert your name]
  • Financial Proposal in pdf under file name: ETH-IC-2017-013 – FP - [insert your name]

Please note that these proposals shall be submitted to the designated secured email into two files but in one email unless both Files are Greater than 9MB file size


  • Failing to submit anyone of the documents stated above will automatically disqualify the candidate from further technical evaluation;
  • Those prospect consultants who fail to submit both Technical and Financial proposals as per the IC Proposal Submission Form and to the designated secured email will not be further considered for evaluation;
  • Qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.


  • While submitting your proposals to be sure your email subject line is ETH-IC-2017-013 in order to let our Office easily locate your respective proposals from secured email and be considered in subsequent evaluations.