10723 RSC 2017 – Motivational Speaker Consultant for DDR Meeting

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00056513 - Organizational Effectiveness - Salaries and GOE




Description of the Assignment:  Give an inspirational lecture/presentation to UNDP Latin America and the Caribbean country office management on the positive role of leadership and help them reflect on their roles as leaders and critical values in times of change. The session objective is to generate the personal commitment to be more effective leaders due the upcoming changes and to support them with the tools and access to knowledge and analysis that can help them achieve this. The intervention is foreseen for the morning of August 28. Prior to the session the consultant would help prepare senior managers by making relevant reading materials and assessment tool available on line.

Project Name Award No.: 00069195 , Project Name:  General Office Expenditures RB

Period of Assignment/Services:   40 days aprox.

Proposal should be submitted at the following email adquisiciones.rclac@undp.org, Subject: 10723  RSC 2017 – Motivational Speaker Consultant for DDR Meeting no later than August 1, 2017 at 23:59 (UTC/GMT -5), Time of the Republic of Panama.

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the e-mail indicated above no later than July 29, 2017 at 23:59 (UTC/GMT-5), Time of the Republic of Panama.  Procurement Unit RSC LAC will respond by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.

The procedures for the acquisition of services will be the ones indicated by the United Nations Development Program.

This process is directed only to one individual.  Any proposal received by more than two individuals jointly or legal entity will be rejected.  Likewise, will be rejected all the proposals from consultants involved in the elaboration of the present Terms of Reference.