Multi Cluster early recovery assessment in different governorates in YEMEN as mentioned in the TOR for early recovery project.

Link to Atlas Project

00105002 - Yemen Enhanced Early Recovery Coordination Project




UNDP YEMEN Office invites interested providers to apply for bid ref: RFP-YEM-0033-2017 for the purpose of this assessment is to garner data and provide evidence to link relief, recovery and development and strengthen the New Way of Working in the Yemen crisis response. The assessment will inform the development of an Early Recovery Framework according to attached bid document requirement.


·          Pre bid submission meeting will held at UNDP Sana’a office on August 15,2017 at 11:00am Sana’a time to answer for any clarification request

·          Deadline of submission of bids is on August 20, 2017 before or at 13:00hour Sana'a Yemen time.


·          Manner of submitting bid:

-       Courier/hand delivery, to the following address to UNDP Yemen office, Procurement Unit.

United Nations Development Programme

60 Street near to Ministry of Human Rights.

P.O Box 551 Sana’a, Republic of Yemen

Attn. Samira AL-FARAH, Procurement Analyst                                          

·          Electronic submission: Please submit your proposal to procurement email address PROCUREMENT.YEMEN@UNDP.ORG