Individual consultancy - International consultant for provision of a Background Note on Rules of Origins and the Impact of Trade Costs. LEB/CO/IC/147/17

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Non-UNDP Project


Annex I - Terms of Reference
Annex II - Individual Consultant Contract and General Terms and Conditions
Annex III - Offeror's Letter to UNDP
Individual Consultant Procurement Notice
P11 - Personal History Form


Subject: Individual consultancy - International consultant for provision of a Background Note on Rules of Origins and the Impact of Trade Costs. 

Reference:    LEB/CO/IC/147/17 

UNDP Lebanon Country Office is seeking proposals from individual consultants for the provision of the Individual Consultancy Services described in the abovementioned subject. 

To assist you in understanding the requirements of this assignment, we have attached hereto the following : 


  1. The Terms of Reference for the assignment described above;
  2. The standard Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability, which you must accomplish and submit to UNDP; and
  3. The Individual Contract and its General Terms and Conditions, which you would be expected to sign in the event you are the selected Offeror in this procurement process. 


Interested experts with questions regarding this assignment should send them in writing to: , and copying the reference  LEB/CO/IC/147/17   in the subject line.  Proposals will not be received through email. Please note that possible additional information or clarifications/questions will be posted on the site.


  1. Full applications must be submitted, on or before 29 August 2017 Beirut Local Time on the below link:


Please refer to the attached Individual Consultant Procurement Notice and related Annexes.