RFQ PMU 17/060 “Procurement of Equipment for Ozone Centre of Kyrgyzstan” (re-announcement)

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00092451 - HCFC Phase-Out Management Plan (HPMP) - Stage 2 (full)


RFQ PMU 17/060 re-tender
Relevant forms to be used


UNDP National Programme Management Unit within the framework of the UNDP “HCFC phase-out management plan (stage II)” project re-announces a tender RFQ PMU 17/060 “Procurement of Equipment for Ozone Centre of Kyrgyzstan”.

Quotations in a sealed envelope with mandatory marking “RFQ PMU 17/060 “Procurement of Equipment for Ozone Centre of Kyrgyzstan” (re-announcement) may be submitted before 29 September 201710.00 (local time) via e-mail or courier mail to the address below:

UN House in Kyrgyz Republic

160, Chuy Avenue, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic/

Receipt of bids will be made only during working hours from 09.00 – 17.00PM /

e-mail: procurement@undp.kg

Quotations submitted by email must be limited to a maximum of 5 MB, virus-free and no more than email transmissions.  They must be free from any form of virus or corrupted contents, or the quotations shall be rejected.