Evaluation of United Nations Joint programme to support Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Nets (PSSN)

Link to Atlas Project

00045190 - United Nations System Tanzania


Request for proposals


The overall goal of the PSSN JP evaluation is to promote accountability, organizational learning, stocktaking of achievements, performance, impacts, good practices and lessons learnt from implementation towards SDGs.


 The final evaluation of the PSSN Joint Programme has the following specific objectives:

  • Measure to what extent the joint programme has contributed to solve the needs and problems identified in the design phase
  • To measure joint programme’s degree of implementation, efficiency and quality delivered on outputs and outcomes, against what was originally planned or subsequently officially revised
  • Measure to what extent the joint programme has attained the results originally foreseen in their project document, M&E frameworks, etc.
  • To the extent possible, measure the impact of the joint programme on the achievement of the SDGs.
  • To identify and document substantive lessons learnt and good practices on the specific topics of the thematic areas and crosscutting issues: gender, sustainability and public private partnerships.


Proposals submission:

  • Proposals should be submitted to icprocurement.tz@undp.org e-mail address not later than not later than Friday, 06 October 2017 at 11:00am (EAT);
  • Applications with no financial offer or missing P11 form and CV or the required documents for the technical evaluation will not be considered for evaluation;
  • Each email should be less than 8MB; emails over this size will not be received to the above-mentioned account;
  • Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the e-mail address tenders.tz@undp.org


Late proposals will not be accepted.