Framework-based technical consultancy services on Forestry Projects

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00070163 - PIMS 4434:Integrated Approach Forests in Turkey


No Title


1               Background

UNDP Turkey and General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) work in close collaboration to enhance Turkey’s efforts for Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). The existing collaboration on sustainable forest management between the GDF and UNDP advances the synergy between forest and sustainable development with special emphasis on climate change mitigation and biodiversity. This partnership will further strengthen and may become more beneficial when the UNDP Turkey Country Office and Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs start sharing the existing reservoir of knowledge and experience with other countries through collaborative partnerships such as, but not limited to, the Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests (CPMF).

The Forestry Cluster within UNDP currently implements two GEF projects together with the General Directorate of Forestry and has few GEF projects ‘in the pipeline’. These projects are (amongst others):  

-  UNDP/GEF Integrated Management of Forests at Mediterranean Region of Turkey 


- UNDP/GEF Invasive Alien Species Project (in GEF approval phase) with General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks.

In addition to the on-going projects, the Forestry Cluster has pipeline projects where the main aim is to stimulate forestry as a new sector for meeting sustainable development goals.


The objective of this assignment is to receive high quality technical consultancy services for the implementation of a number of activities under several projects implemented under the Forestry Cluster.

UNDP will mobilize an individual consultant as Technical Consultant on Forestry Cluster (TCFC) on a framework contract basis. The following duties and responsibilities of TCFF are indicative. They are subject to further detailing through specific service requests to be made by UNDP.

The duties and responsibilities are subject to further detailing through specific service requests to be made by UNDP during the course of the contract duration.

Within the scope of the assignment; based on his/her expertise, the TCFC is expected to provide consultancy services related to technical guidance in respect to the following generic activities, all generally undertaken in association with the respective staff or consultants of the on-going and pipeline projects.

TCFC may be expected to provide consultancy services for other forestry related projects further to the below mentioned projects that may arise in the future.

UNDP/GEF Integrated Management of Forests at Mediterranean Region of Turkey Project:

·         Facilitate the adoption of Measurable Reportable Verifiable (MRV) document by the General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) through mainstreaming the document to relevant internal processes;
coordinate relations with the Gold Standard Foundation with regard to the next steps to be taken in MRV planning in Turkey in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

·         Facilitate the National Sustainable Forest Management Criteria/ Indicator Revision process on behalf of Forestry Cluster; liaison of relations with GDF, participate to the workshops and working groups, reporting;

·         Facilitate the UNDP’s work on Forestry Sector – SDG indicator development process; leading on organizing the meetings, drafting the reports;

·         Facilitate coordination of Decision Support System (DSS) related activities and ensure information and data flow between General Directorate of Forestry and Yale University;

Facilitate the communication and collaboration among different departments of the GDF as necessary in the context of the project;

·         Facilitate several workshops and meetings according to the needs of the project;

·         Participate in and/or lead the preparation of project proposals relevant to SFM in collaboration with GDF

·         Assure communication among international and national experts via translation and/or interpretation of technical documents from/to English to/from Turkish.

UNDP/GEF ORKOY Solar PV Project:

·         Facilitate/ moderate workshops/ meetings/ conferences and information sharing for project activities when necessary;

·         Facilitate enhancing collaboration between General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) and energy sector;

·         Assist the communication and collaboration among different departments of the GDF.

UNDP/GEF IAS Project (in GEF approval phase):

·         Facilitate/ moderate workshops/ meetings/ conferences and information sharing for project activities when necessary;

·         Facilitate enhancing collaboration between General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks (GDNCNP)
and related marine/ transport/ agriculture sector;

·         Assist the communication and collaboration among different departments of the GDNCNP.

The ICs will report to the Forestry Cluster Lead of UNDP CO. The IC will work closely with the Project teams mobilized by the UNDP.


The Assignment is expected to be launched in the beginning of November 2017 and be completed by the beginning of November 2018.

IC is expected to invest (at maximum) 120 working days over 12 months. The working days to be invested, the deadline of submission for the subject deliverables and the content of the deliverables will be clearly indicated through specific service requests.


UNDP will provide all relevant background documents. UNDP is not required to provide any physical facility for the work of the IC. However, depending to the availability of physical facilities (e.g. working space, computer, printer, telephone lines, internet connection etc.) and at the discretion of the UNDP and relevant stakeholders such facilities may be provided at the disposal of the IC. UNDP will facilitate meetings between the ICs and other stakeholders, when needed.

5               PLACE of WORK

The place of work will be the IC’s place of residence/work.

Place of work for the assignment is home-based and may require travels with respect to project needs and the duties and responsibilities of the consultant stated in Item 4. The cost and terms of reimbursement of any travel authorized by UNDP for Individual Contractors must be negotiated prior to travel. During the travels specified in the ToR or in case of need additional travels that were unforeseen in the ToR, the respective travels of the consultant may either be;

•      Arranged and covered by UNDP CO from the respective project budget without making any reimbursements to the IC or

•      Reimbursed to the consultant upon the submission of the receipts/invoices of the expenses by the consultant and approval of the UNDP. The reimbursement of each cost item subject to following constraints/conditions provided in below table;

•      covered by the combination of the above options


The following guidance on travel compensation is provided per UNDP practice.


Cost item


Conditions of Reimbursement

Travel (intercity transportation)

full-fare economy class tickets

1-   Approval of UNDP before the initiation of travel

2-   Submission of the invoices/receipt, etc. by the consultant with the UNDP’s F-10 Form

3-   Approval of UNDP


Up to 50% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


Up to 6% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


Up to 12% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


Up to 12% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location

Other Expenses (intra city transportations, transfer cost from /to terminals, etc.)

Up to 20% of effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


i. General Qualifications

×        A university degree in natural sciences, environmental sciences, social sciences or any other relevant field. An advanced degree (Master’s or higher level) in forest management, rural development, process management and/or process facilitation is an asset;

×        Full proficiency in English is essential; Knowledge of any other of the UN languages is an asset;

×        Excellent knowledge of office software, such as word processors, spreadsheets, databases.

ii. General Professional Experience

×        At least 10 years of professional experience in process management, especially in the field of integrated or participatory natural resources management and/or rural development;

×        Experience in developing natural resources related policies;

×        More than 5 years of professional experience in working with the governmental, non-governmental and private sector;

iii. Specific Professional Experience

×        Hands-on experience in the preparation and implementation of international projects in the field of natural resources management;

×        Extended experience in facilitating multi-stakeholder processes and/or partnerships;

×        At least 10 years of professional experience in organizing and facilitating participatory workshops/meetings; international facilitation experience is an asset;

×        Experience in curriculum development and training is an advantage;

×        Experience in gathering, analysing and compiling data concerning natural resources management, forestry, nature conservation policies or (participatory) planning processes and practices;

×        Experience in multi-sectoral projects including components such as climate change and adaptation, valuation of ecosystem services, landscape approach, value chain approach;

×        Experience with the natural resource related governmental organizations, specifically General Directorate of Forestry, is an asset. 

1               Background

UNDP Turkey and General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) work in close collaboration to enhance Turkey’s efforts for Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). The existing collaboration on sustainable forest management between the GDF and UNDP advances the synergy between forest and sustainable development with special emphasis on climate change mitigation and biodiversity. This partnership will further strengthen and may become more beneficial when the UNDP Turkey Country Office and Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs start sharing the existing reservoir of knowledge and experience with other countries through collaborative partnerships such as, but not limited to, the Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests (CPMF).

The Forestry Cluster within UNDP currently implements two GEF projects together with the General Directorate of Forestry and has few GEF projects ‘in the pipeline’. These projects are (amongst others):  

-  UNDP/GEF Integrated Management of Forests at Mediterranean Region of Turkey 


- UNDP/GEF Invasive Alien Species Project (in GEF approval phase) with General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks.

In addition to the on-going projects, the Forestry Cluster has pipeline projects where the main aim is to stimulate forestry as a new sector for meeting sustainable development goals.


The objective of this assignment is to receive high quality technical consultancy services for the implementation of a number of activities under several projects implemented under the Forestry Cluster.

UNDP will mobilize an individual consultant as Technical Consultant on Forestry Cluster (TCFC) on a framework contract basis. The following duties and responsibilities of TCFF are indicative. They are subject to further detailing through specific service requests to be made by UNDP.

The duties and responsibilities are subject to further detailing through specific service requests to be made by UNDP during the course of the contract duration.

Within the scope of the assignment; based on his/her expertise, the TCFC is expected to provide consultancy services related to technical guidance in respect to the following generic activities, all generally undertaken in association with the respective staff or consultants of the on-going and pipeline projects.

TCFC may be expected to provide consultancy services for other forestry related projects further to the below mentioned projects that may arise in the future.

UNDP/GEF Integrated Management of Forests at Mediterranean Region of Turkey Project:

·         Facilitate the adoption of Measurable Reportable Verifiable (MRV) document by the General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) through mainstreaming the document to relevant internal processes;
coordinate relations with the Gold Standard Foundation with regard to the next steps to be taken in MRV planning in Turkey in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);

·         Facilitate the National Sustainable Forest Management Criteria/ Indicator Revision process on behalf of Forestry Cluster; liaison of relations with GDF, participate to the workshops and working groups, reporting;

·         Facilitate the UNDP’s work on Forestry Sector – SDG indicator development process; leading on organizing the meetings, drafting the reports;

·         Facilitate coordination of Decision Support System (DSS) related activities and ensure information and data flow between General Directorate of Forestry and Yale University;

Facilitate the communication and collaboration among different departments of the GDF as necessary in the context of the project;

·         Facilitate several workshops and meetings according to the needs of the project;

·         Participate in and/or lead the preparation of project proposals relevant to SFM in collaboration with GDF

·         Assure communication among international and national experts via translation and/or interpretation of technical documents from/to English to/from Turkish.

UNDP/GEF ORKOY Solar PV Project:

·         Facilitate/ moderate workshops/ meetings/ conferences and information sharing for project activities when necessary;

·         Facilitate enhancing collaboration between General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) and energy sector;

·         Assist the communication and collaboration among different departments of the GDF.

UNDP/GEF IAS Project (in GEF approval phase):

·         Facilitate/ moderate workshops/ meetings/ conferences and information sharing for project activities when necessary;

·         Facilitate enhancing collaboration between General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks (GDNCNP)
and related marine/ transport/ agriculture sector;

·         Assist the communication and collaboration among different departments of the GDNCNP.

The ICs will report to the Forestry Cluster Lead of UNDP CO. The IC will work closely with the Project teams mobilized by the UNDP.


The Assignment is expected to be launched in the beginning of November 2017 and be completed by the beginning of November 2018.

IC is expected to invest (at maximum) 120 working days over 12 months. The working days to be invested, the deadline of submission for the subject deliverables and the content of the deliverables will be clearly indicated through specific service requests.


UNDP will provide all relevant background documents. UNDP is not required to provide any physical facility for the work of the IC. However, depending to the availability of physical facilities (e.g. working space, computer, printer, telephone lines, internet connection etc.) and at the discretion of the UNDP and relevant stakeholders such facilities may be provided at the disposal of the IC. UNDP will facilitate meetings between the ICs and other stakeholders, when needed.

5               PLACE of WORK

The place of work will be the IC’s place of residence/work.

Place of work for the assignment is home-based and may require travels with respect to project needs and the duties and responsibilities of the consultant stated in Item 4. The cost and terms of reimbursement of any travel authorized by UNDP for Individual Contractors must be negotiated prior to travel. During the travels specified in the ToR or in case of need additional travels that were unforeseen in the ToR, the respective travels of the consultant may either be;

•      Arranged and covered by UNDP CO from the respective project budget without making any reimbursements to the IC or

•      Reimbursed to the consultant upon the submission of the receipts/invoices of the expenses by the consultant and approval of the UNDP. The reimbursement of each cost item subject to following constraints/conditions provided in below table;

•      covered by the combination of the above options


The following guidance on travel compensation is provided per UNDP practice.


Cost item


Conditions of Reimbursement

Travel (intercity transportation)

full-fare economy class tickets

1-   Approval of UNDP before the initiation of travel

2-   Submission of the invoices/receipt, etc. by the consultant with the UNDP’s F-10 Form

3-   Approval of UNDP


Up to 50% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


Up to 6% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


Up to 12% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


Up to 12% of the effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location

Other Expenses (intra city transportations, transfer cost from /to terminals, etc.)

Up to 20% of effective DSA rate of UNDP for the respective location


i. General Qualifications

×        A university degree in natural sciences, environmental sciences, social sciences or any other relevant field. An advanced degree (Master’s or higher level) in forest management, rural development, process management and/or process facilitation is an asset;

×        Full proficiency in English is essential; Knowledge of any other of the UN languages is an asset;

×        Excellent knowledge of office software, such as word processors, spreadsheets, databases.

ii. General Professional Experience

×        At least 10 years of professional experience in process management, especially in the field of integrated or participatory natural resources management and/or rural development;

×        Experience in developing natural resources related policies;

×        More than 5 years of professional experience in working with the governmental, non-governmental and private sector;

iii. Specific Professional Experience

×        Hands-on experience in the preparation and implementation of international projects in the field of natural resources management;

×        Extended experience in facilitating multi-stakeholder processes and/or partnerships;

×        At least 10 years of professional experience in organizing and facilitating participatory workshops/meetings; international facilitation experience is an asset;

×        Experience in curriculum development and training is an advantage;

×        Experience in gathering, analysing and compiling data concerning natural resources management, forestry, nature conservation policies or (participatory) planning processes and practices;

×        Experience in multi-sectoral projects including components such as climate change and adaptation, valuation of ecosystem services, landscape approach, value chain approach;

×        Experience with the natural resource related governmental organizations, specifically General Directorate of Forestry, is an asset. 

7               PAYMENTS

The contract to be signed between UNDP and successful candidate(s) will not entail a financial commitment from UNDP. UNDP’s financial commitment will be established on an ad-hoc basis every time as services are officially requested by UNDP.

Payment terms and conditions will be specified in the service request. Payment terms and conditions along with the daily fee rate (indicated in the contract) and number of days invested (not to exceed maximum number of days in the service request) will be the basis of payment to the IC. Payments will be made against submission of the deliverable(s) in the service request by the IC and approval of such deliverables by UNDP.

The expert shall be paid in US$ if he/she resides in a country different than Turkey. If he/she resides in Turkey, the payment shall be realized in TL through conversion of the US$ amount by the official UN exchange rate valid on the date of money transfer.

The amount paid to the expert shall be gross and inclusive of all associated costs such as social security, pension and income tax etc.

Payments will be made within 30 days upon acceptance and approval of the corresponding deliverable by UNDP on the basis of actual number of days invested in that respective deliverable and the pertaining Certification of Payment document signed by the expert and approved by the responsible Portfolio Manager. The total amount of payment to be effected to the Consultant within the scope of this contract cannot exceed 120 days.

If the deliverables are not produced and delivered by the consultant to the satisfaction of UNDP as approved by the responsible Portfolio Manager, no payment will be made even if the consultant has invested working/days to produce and deliver such deliverables.

Tax Obligations: The IC is solely responsible for all taxation or other assessments on any income derived from UNDP. UNDP will not make any withholding from payments for the purposes of income tax. UNDP is exempt from any liabilities regarding taxation and will not reimburse any such taxation to the IC.

8               Documents to be Included when Submitting the Proposals

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

•      A one-page Letter of Interest, explaining why they are the most suitable for the work,

•      Personal CV (P11), including past experience in similar activities and contact detail information (preferably mobile phone and e-mail addresses) of at least 3 references.

The contract to be signed between UNDP and successful candidate(s) will not entail a financial commitment from UNDP. UNDP’s financial commitment will be established on an ad-hoc basis every time as services are officially requested by UNDP.

Payment terms and conditions will be specified in the service request. Payment terms and conditions along with