Provision of Good Governance Training to Children from Nine Municipalities in Belize

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00100299 - Strengthening National Systems for UNCAC Implementation


TOR-CAB on Good Governance
Individual Contract Template
UNDP General Terms and Conditions for IC
Template for Confirmation of Interest and Submission


It is proven that corruption undermines human development and democracy and it is often the most vulnerable who suffer first. Corruption reduces access to public services by diverting public resources for private gain. There are gendered dimensions to corruption, as men and women have different experiences with and perceptions of corruption.  For countries to effectively manage limited resources and contribute meaningfully to their sustainable development, there must be substantial reduction in corrupt practices. 

Based on the recognition of the above, Sustainable Development Goal 16 (Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels) calls for a substantial reduction in corruption and bribery in all their forms. Target 16.5 recognizes the importance of a reduction in public perception of corruption as well as the need for transparency in public budgeting and expenditure. 

Belize has been affected by a narrowing fiscal space and therefore the need for resources to be efficiently and equitably allocated is amplified. The Government of Belize has recognized the need for improved governance that is transparent and accountable to ensure that as resources become scarcer, that they are appropriately channeled. Likewise, civil society has been vocal about the need for increased measure to combat corruption and channel resources to the most vulnerable.  

Systemic issues which range from weak legislative framework and enforcement, low capacity levels to implement and enforce anti-corruption measures and weak civil society pressure are all challenges which inhibit good governance and have the resultant effect of negatively affecting sustainable development.

The Government has acceded to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and has demonstrated commitment to promote governance reforms as highlighted in the 2016-2019 Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy. The Country’s long-term vision and medium-term strategies have outlined that good governance is central to the Horizon 2030 vision and is frequently identified by stakeholders as critical to attaining sustainable economic development in Belize. One of the identified goals strives to ensure that Government departments are free of corruption, modernized and focused on providing quality service to the public. To this this end, this project is timely in lending support to improving governance by minimizing the drivers of corruption. 

As a means of promoting good governance amongst youths, it is important to target children and youth at an early age including those in high schools and tertiary institutions to stem the intergenerational acceptance of culture. Having youth at that level aware of the principles of good governance and anti-corruption provides long term advocates.  

To promote information and knowledge sharing amongst key children and youth organizations on good governance and anti-corruption principles, the Strengthening National Systems to Support United Nations Convention on Corruption (UNCAC) Implementation in Belize is seeking the support of a facilitator to provide training on good governance to The Child Advisory Boards in Belize.

The Boards are comprised of young people between the ages of seven and seventeen. Child Advisory Bodies are set up in 9 municipalities in Belize as part of the Municipalities inclusive governance agenda. The bodies speak for the children of their respective municipalities to ensure that they voice of youth are heard locally. The size of the CABs ranges from seven (7) (Punta Gorda) to Twenty-Two (22) (San Ignacio/ Santa Elena) children.