11546 RSC 2017 - Programme Management and Communication Support Consultant

Link to Atlas Project

00080097 - Consolidaciòn REDD+ fase 2


Invitation Document
Annex 2
P11 Form
Clarification 1
Clarification 2


The Green Commodities Programme (GCP) exists to improve the national economic, social and environmental performance of agricultural commodity sectors. GCP works within agricultural commodity production in countries of UNDP operation where the programme can have significant impact on rural livelihoods, mitigate climate change, and maintain the ecosystem services and resilience of landscapes and seascapes.

The GCP has pioneered the concept of National Commodity Platforms to help governments facilitate shared visions and actions for sustainable commodity production among key stakeholders. GCP operates in over 10 countries globally. 

We kindly invite you to submit your offer for a Communications Specialist, as detailed in Annex 1 of this Request for Proposal.  When preparing your offer, please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2.

Quotations may be submitted on or before November 3, 2017 no later than 15:00 GMT-5 (Rep. of Panama time) via e-mail to the following address with Subject line as follows:

Subject Line: 11546 RSC 2017 - Programme Management and Communication Support Consultant                          

Email:  adquisiciones.rclac@undp.org

The procedures for the acquisition of services will be the ones indicated by the United Nations Development Program.

This process is directed only to one individual.  Any proposal received by more than two individuals jointly or legal entity will be rejected. Likewise, all the proposals from consultants involved in the elaboration of the present Terms of Reference will be rejected.