National Consultant for Undertaking Comprehensive Baseline Assessment of the Criminal Justice Sector

Link to Atlas Project

00095421 - Access to Justice and Human Rights Protection




The Support for Strengthening Access to Justice and Human Rights Protection in Tanzania Project (2017-2021) aims at addressing challenges affecting smooth delivery of criminal justice in Tanzania and strengthening responsive and accountable human rights protection mechanisms. The Project will pursue strategic initiatives to strengthen the criminal justice system and human rights in order to provide effective, accountable and timely justice for all. The primary objectives of the project include:

  • Enhancing Criminal Justice Sector coordination and data management for a more inclusive, accountable and evidence-based policy and law making processes;
  • Enhancing access to justice to Women and other vulnerable groups and empowering them to demand respect for their rights;
  • Strengthening role of national authorities and civil society in the promotion and protection of human rights and women access to justice.

These efforts have been undertaken in line with the leading national development priorities as outlined in the Vision 2025 (mainland Tanzania). Also included are the first 2011-2015 and the second 2016-2021 National Five Year Development Plan for Tanzania (FYDP), in the ‘MKUKUTA’, and the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty, and ‘MKUZA III’.

This baseline study has been designed mainly in pursuit of Outcome 1 and Output 1.1 Evidence generation and data collection on criminal justice delivery introduced and enhanced, particularly in respect of women, children and other vulnerable groups. In order to assess the contribution of the project towards achieving this outcome, a project baseline has been planned to establish benchmarks against which the project performance will be measured, reported and verified. The baseline study will measure key output indicators relevant to the project. The baseline will specifically provide information on core indicators agreed on the project result frame.