International consultant on GEF Project Development Specialist (PPG Team Leader, Hainan agrobiodiversity, Hubei agrobiodiversity – 2 projects)

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Non-UNDP Project



Ministry of Agriculture in China has developed the PRC-GEF Partnership Program on Sustainable Agricultural Development through extensive consultation with national and local government agencies with the support of three GEF agencies – UNDP, FAO and the World Bank. The programme objective is to:

  • Strengthening coordinated approaches to reduce IAS threats to globally significant agrobiodiversity and agroecosystems in China (IAS project; PFD child project 2)
  • Participatory in-situ conservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity in Hainan (Hainan agrobiodiversity project; PFD child project 3)
  • Conservation and sustainable use of indigenous agricultural genetic diversity in Hubei (Hubei agrobiodiversity project; PFD child project 4).

Project Preparation Grants (PPGs) have been secured by UNDP to formulate these four full-size projects through situation analyses, identification and documentation of relevant baseline conditions, stakeholder consultations, identification of implementing partners and arrangements, consolidation of cofinancing opportunities, development of results frameworks having an integrated set of SMART[1] indicators and targets that monitor outcomes and key outputs, realistic assessments of risks and their mitigation, gender mainstreaming and social inclusiveness, identification and selection of target sites and pilot demonstration initiatives, and coordination with other initiatives.

This is the Terms of Reference for the procurement of up to nine GEF Biodiversity Project Development Specialists (International Consultants and National Consultants) to lead the development of the three child projects. Applicants may apply for one or two projects; they should indicate clearly for which of the projects they are applying and those able to commit to two projects are likely to be preferred. The three child projects are outlined below.

Child Project 1: Strengthening coordinated approaches to reduce invasive alien species (IAS) threats to globally significant agrobiodiversity and agroecosystems in China (R-IAST). This project aims to strengthen intersectoral coordination mechanisms, approaches and technical capacity for more effective prevention, control and management of IAS threats to agrobiodiversity in China.

Child Project 2:  Conservation and sustainable use of indigenous agricultural genetic diversity in Hubei. This project aims to strengthen the in-situ conservation and sustainable use of globally significant agrobiodiversity in Hainan through the development of incentive mechanisms for farmers to sustain populations of endemic crops and livestock, the establishment of a supportive ‘enabling environment’ and strengthened institutional capacity. 

Child Project 3: Participatory in situ conservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity in Hainan. This project aims to strengthen long-term conservation of Hubei’s globally significant agrobiodiversity, through enhanced provincial policy framework and institutional capacity, and the establishment of innovative incentive mechanisms and technical approaches to support in-situ conservation of indigenous agricultural varieties.

[1] Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound


The GEF Project Development Specialist will be the GEF PPG Team Leader for two mid-sized UNDP-GEF projects: (1) ‘Participatory in situ conservation and sustainable use of Agrobiodiversity in Hainan’; (2) ‘Conservation and sustainable use of indigenous agricultural genetic diversity in Hubei’. The consultant will be responsible for quality assurance and timely preparation of all reports and documentation, including a finalized UNDP Project Document (ProDoc) and CEO Approval Request for each project, with all mandatory and project specific Annexes and supporting documentation. S/he will be responsible for managing all consultants on the GEF PPG Team for the Hainan and Hubei agrobiodiversity projects, and coordinating the work of the teams.


  1. Management of the GEF PPG Team for Hainan and Hubei agrobiodiversity projects

For each project:

  1. Define and submit a detailed methodology and work plan in consultation with the other consultants with clear delegation of responsibilities for the National Consultants (1) and Local Consultants (2);
  2. Ensure that project development is participatory, gender-responsive and based on extensive stakeholder engagements; and
  3. Verify and ensure that all project components are technically sound and cost effective.
  4. Preparatory Technical Studies and Reviews (Component A): With inputs from the other consultants, as detailed in their respective TORs:

For each project:

  1. Compile baseline/situational analysis for the midsize project (MSP). This will include a precise definition of baseline projects, activities, budgets, goals and co-financial links to GEF outcomes; definition of GEF incremental value per outcome and output; and presentation of results of the incremental cost-analysis in matrices as appropriate;
  2. Oversee the stakeholder analysis and consultations and ensure that they are complete and comprehensive;
  3. Ensure the preparation of the gender analysis and ensure its findings are meaningfully integrated into the project’s strategy, theory of change and results framework;
  4. Ensure action points, including risk assessments, from the UNDP Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (SESP) at the child project concept note stage (“pre-screening”) are fully implemented during the PPG, and update that screening in an iterative fashion throughout the PPG, as appropriate;
  5. Conduct/oversee the identification of the project sites, with documentation of selection criteria;
  6. Oversee the consultations with partners regarding financial planning; and
  7. Ensure completion of any additional studies that are determined to be needed for the preparation of the ProDoc and all other final outputs.
  8. Formulation of the ProDoc, CEO Approval Request and Mandatory and Project Specific Annexes (Component B): With inputs from the other consultants, as detailed in their respective TORs, and based on international best practice:

For each project:

  1. Develop, present and articulate the project’s theory of change;
  2. Develop the Results Framework in line with UNDP-GEF policy;
  3. Develop a detailed Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Budget;
  4. Work with the UNDP CO to select an indicator for one of the outcomes of the IRRF;
  5. Prepare an indicative Procurement Plan, which will be confirmed by the UNDP CO;
  6. Oversee and ensure the preparation of a Stakeholder Engagement Plan;
  7. Oversee and ensure the preparation of a Gender Action Plan and Budget;
  8. Update the SESP based on assessments undertaken during Component A, and ensure the development of environmental and/or social management plan(s) for all risks identified as Moderate or High in the SESP;
  9. Prepare the required GEF tracking tool(s);
  10. Secure and present agreements on project management arrangements;
  11. Ensure the completion of the required official endorsement letters; and
  12. Synthesize all analyses, studies, etc. that are prepared under Components A and B to produce the draft UNDP-GEF ProDoc, GEF CEO Approval Request, and all mandatory and project specific Annexes, using the required templates.[1]
  1. Validation Workshop (Component C):

For each project:

  1. Lead the validation workshop to present, discuss and validate the final draft ProDoc and mandatory and project specific annexes, with a special focus on the SESP and any management plans;
  2. Oversee all necessary revisions that arise during the workshop;
  3. Ensure completion of Validation Workshop Report;
  4. Participate in the program summary validation workshop and present the Hainan agrobiodiversity project outline.
  1. Final Deliverables:

For each project:

  1. Consolidation of all technical and consultation inputs including from national stakeholders, UNDP, GEF Secretariat, STAP and GEF Council, into a well written and concise UNDP ProDoc with all required sections and Annexes, in line with the standard UNDP-GEF ProDoc template and annotated guidance;
  2. Completion of the GEF CEO Approval Request;
  3. All documentation from GEF PPG (including technical reports, etc.); and
  4. Validation Workshop Report.

[1] Please verify with the UNDP-GEF team that the correct templates are being used.


  • Master’s Degree, Ph.D. or equivalent in natural sciences, sustainable agricultural development, environmental management or related fields that include conservation biology or natural resources management;
  • Minimum of 15 years of demonstrable experience and knowledge in ecosystems management and biodiversity conservation, with experience in agrobiodiversity and/or use of market and non-market based incentives for conservation an asset;
  • Minimum of 10 years of experience with project development, implementation and evaluation, including formulation of biodiversity conservation projects with capacity development elements;
  • Demonstrated leadership, facilitation and coordination skills, with ability to manage technical teams, engage with stakeholders, design participatory processes and form strategic partnerships and alliances;
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently and deliver high quality outputs in a timely manner;
  • Previous working experience with GEF project agencies, such as UNDP or World Bank, and familiarity with GEF and UNDP policies, procedures and practices are assets;
  • Experience in working with government in the substantive area in China or elsewhere in East Asia is an asset;
  • Sound level of computer proficiency, including use of professional office software packages (Microsoft Office); and
  • Fluent English language (both oral and written) and excellent communication and presentation skills, particularly in the preparation of written documents.

Applicants are requested to apply online. Individual consultants are invited to submit applications together with their CV and Offeror's letter for these positions.

UNDP applies a fair and transparent selection process that will take into account the competencies/skills of the applicants as well as their financial proposals. Qualified women and members of social minorities are encouraged to apply.

Offeror’s Letter and proposal Download Link:

Selection criteria:

Technical evaluation - 70% (includes 20% of Job Related Technical  Expertise; 25% of Relevant working experience; 25% of Methodology &   Approach to Assignment)

Financial Evaluation - 30%;

The final offer goes to the highest combined score winner.

