RFQ/SLE/2018/008 Supply of Portable & Battery Powered Lamps

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00095468 - Support to the National Electoral Commission


RFQ/SLE/2018/008 Supply of Portable & Battery Powered Lamps


Dear Sir / Madam:

We kindly request you to submit your quotation for the Supply of Portable & Battery Powered Lamps detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ.  When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2. 

Quotations, signed and stamped with Company stamp, clearly stating the reference number and title of the Subject may be submitted on or before 5:00 p.m., February 6, 2018 and via (choose appropriate box) ☒e-mail, ☒courier mail or ☐facsimile to the address below:

United Nations Development Programme
UN Compound, 55 Wilkinson Road
P.O.Box 1011
Freetown, Sierra Leone

It shall remain your responsibility to ensure that your quotation will reach the address above on or before the deadline.  Quotations that are received by UNDP after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation.