Supply of Storage, Backup Tape Autoloader, Backup Software, Routers and Installation

Link to Atlas Project

00092247 - Fiji Access to Justice Project


Invitation to Bid
General Terms and Conditions


Section 1. Letter of Invitation
Suva, Fiji
February 13, 2018

Supply of Storage, Backup Tape Autoloader, Backup Software, Routers and Installation
Dear Mr./Ms.: [indicate name]

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to submit a Bid to this Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the above-referenced subject.

This ITB includes the following documents:
Section 1 – This Letter of Invitation
Section 2 – Instructions to Bidders (including Data Sheet)
Section 3 – Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications
Section 4 – Bid Submission Form
Section 5 – Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Bidder
Section 6 – Technical Bid Form
Section 7 – Price Schedule Form
Section 8 – Form for Advanced Payment Guarrantee
Section 9 – Contract to be Signed, including General Terms and Conditions

Your offer, comprising of a Technical Bid and Price Schedule, together in a sealed envelope, should be submitted in accordance with Section 2.

You are kindly requested to submit an acknowledgment letter to UNDP to the following address:
United Nations Development Programme
Level 8, Kadavu House, Victoria Parade, Suva, Fiji.
Focal Point: Dale Kacivi

The letter should be received by UNDP no later than 5pm, March 8th, 2018 (Fiji Time). The same letter should advise whether your company intends to submit a Bid. If that is not the case, UNDP would appreciate your indicating the reason, for our records.

If you have received this ITB through a direct invitation by UNDP, transferring this invitation to another firm requires notifying UNDP accordingly.

Should you require any clarification, kindly communicate with the contact person identified in the attached Data Sheet as the focal point for queries on this ITB.

UNDP looks forward to receiving your Bid and thanks you in advance for your interest in UNDP procurement opportunities.
Yours sincerely,

Ronald Kumar, Procurement Analyst


Section 2: Instruction to Bidders1

a) “Bid” refers to the Bidder’s response to the Invitation to Bid, including the Bid Submission Form, Technical Bid and Price Schedule and all other documentation attached thereto as required by the ITB.
b) “Bidder” refers to any legal entity that may submit, or has submitted, a Bid for the supply of goods and provision of related services requested by UNDP.
c) “Contract” refers to the legal instrument that will be signed by and between the UNDP and the successful Bidder, all the attached documents thereto, including the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) and the Appendices.
d) “Country” refers to the country indicated in the Data Sheet.
e) “Data Sheet” refers to such part of the Instructions to Bidders used to reflect conditions of the tendering process that are specific for the requirements of the ITB.
f) “Day” refers to calendar day.
g) “Goods” refer to any tangible product, commodity, article, material, wares, equipment, assets or merchandise that UNDP requires under this ITB.
h) “Government” refers to the Government of the country where the goods and related services provided/rendered specified under the Contract will be delivered or undertaken.
i) “Instructions to Bidders” refers to the complete set of documents which provides Bidders with all information needed and procedures to be followed in the course of preparing their Bid
j) “ITB” refers to the Invitation to Bid consisting of instructions and references prepared by UNDP for purposes of selecting the best supplier or service provider to fulfil the requirement indicated in the Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications.
k) “LOI” (Section 1 of the ITB) refers to the Letter of Invitation sent by UNDP to Bidders.
l) “Material Deviation” refers to any contents or characteristics of the bid that is significantly different from an essential aspect or requirement of the ITB, and (i) substantially alters the scope and quality of the requirements; (ii) limits the rights of UNDP and/or the obligations of the offeror; and (iii) adversely impacts the fairness and principles of the procurement process, such as those that compromise the competitive position of other offerors.
1 Note: this Section 2 - Instructions to Bidders shall not be modified in any way. Any necessary changes to address specific country and project information shall be introduced only through the Data Sheet.
m) “Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications” refers to the document included in this ITB as Section 3 which lists the goods required by UNDP, their specifications, the related services, activities, tasks to be performed, and other information pertinent to UNDP’s receipt and acceptance of the goods.
n) “Services” refers to the entire scope of tasks related or ancillary to the completion or delivery of the goods required by UNDP under the ITB.
o) “Supplemental Information to the ITB” refers to a written communication issued by UNDP to prospective Bidders containing clarifications, responses to queries received from prospective Bidders, or changes to be made in the ITB, at any time after the release of the ITB but before the deadline for the submission of Bid.

1. UNDP hereby solicits Bids as a response to this Invitation to Bid (ITB). Bidders must strictly adhere to all the requirements of this ITB. No changes, substitutions or other alterations to the rules and provisions stipulated in this ITB may be made or assumed unless it is instructed or approved in writing by UNDP in the form of Supplemental Information to the ITB.
2. Submission of a Bid shall be deemed as an acknowledgement by the Bidder that all obligations stipulated by this ITB will be met and, unless specified otherwise, the Bidder has read, understood and agreed to all the instructions in this ITB.
3. Any Bid submitted will be regarded as an offer by the Bidder and does not constitute or imply the acceptance of any Bid by UNDP. UNDP is under no obligation to award a contract to any Bidder as a result of this ITB.
4. UNDP implements a policy of zero tolerance on proscribed practices, including fraud, corruption, collusion, unethical practices, and obstruction. UNDP is committed to preventing, identifying and addressing all acts of fraud and corrupt practices against UNDP as well as third parties involved in UNDP activities. (See
5. In responding to this ITB, UNDP requires all Bidders to conduct themselves in a professional, objective and impartial manner, and they must at all times hold UNDP’s interests paramount. Bidders must strictly avoid conflicts with other assignments or their own interests, and act without consideration for future work. All Bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. Without limitation on the generality of the above, Bidders, and any of their affiliates, shall be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this solicitation process, if they:
5.1 Are, or have been associated in the past, with a firm or any of its affiliates which have been engaged UNDP to provide services for the preparation of the design, Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications, cost analysis/estimation, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the goods and related services in this selection process;
5.2 Were involved in the preparation and/or design of the programme/project related to the goods and related services requested under this ITB; or
5.3 Are found to be in conflict for any other reason, as may be established by, or at the discretion of, UNDP.
In the event of any uncertainty in the interpretation of what is potentially a conflict of interest, Bidders must disclose the condition to UNDP and seek UNDP’s confirmation on whether or not such conflict exists.
6. Similarly, the following must be disclosed in the Bid:
6.1 Bidders who are owners, part-owners, officers, directors, controlling shareholders, or key personnel who are family of UNDP staff involved in the procurement functions and/or the Government of the country or any Implementing Partner receiving the goods and related services under this ITB; and
6.4 Others that could potentially lead to actual or perceived conflict of interest, collusion or unfair competition practices.
Failure of such disclosure may result in the rejection of the Bid.
7. The eligibility of Bidders that are wholly or partly owned by the Government shall be subject to UNDP’s further evaluation and review of various factors such as being registered as an independent entity, the extent of Government ownership/share, receipt of subsidies, mandate, access to information in relation to this ITB, and others that may lead to undue advantage against other Bidders, and the eventual rejection of the Bid.
8. All Bidders must adhere to the UNDP Supplier Code of Conduct, which may be found at this link:

9. Sections of Bid
Bidders are required to complete, sign and submit the following documents:
9.1 Bid Submission Cover Letter Form (see ITB Section 4);
9.2 Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Bidder (see ITB Section 5);
9.3 Technical Bid (see prescribed form in ITB Section 6);
9.4 Price Schedule (see prescribed form in ITB Section 7);
9.5 Bid Security, if applicable (if required and as stated in the DS nos. 9-11, see prescribed Form in ITB Section 8);
9.6 Any attachments and/or appendices to the Bid (including all those specified under the Data Sheet)
10. Clarification of Bid
10.1 Bidders may request clarification of any of the ITB documents no later than the number of days indicated in the Data Sheet (DS no. 16) prior to the Bid submission date. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing via courier or through electronic means to the UNDP address indicated in the Data Sheet (DS no. 17). UNDP will respond in writing, transmitted by electronic means and will transmit copies of the response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source of inquiry) to all Bidders who have provided confirmation of their intention to submit a Bid.
10.2 UNDP shall endeavor to provide such responses to clarifications in an expeditious manner, but any delay in such response shall not cause an obligation on the part of UNDP to extend the submission date of the Bid, unless UNDP deems that such an extension is justified and necessary.
11. Amendment of Bid
11.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bid, UNDP may for any reason, such as in response to a clarification requested by a Bidder, modify the ITB in the form of a Supplemental Information to the ITB. All prospective Bidders will be notified in writing of all changes/amendments and additional instructions through Supplemental Information to the ITB and through the method specified in the Data Sheet (DS No. 18).
11.2 In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time to consider the amendments in preparing their Bid, UNDP may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for submission of Bid, if the nature of the amendment to the ITB justifies such an extension.

12. Cost
The Bidder shall bear any and all costs related to the preparation and/or submission of the Bid, regardless of whether its Bid was selected or not. UNDP shall in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the procurement process.
13. Language
The Bid, as well as any and all related correspondence exchanged by the Bidder and UNDP, shall be written in the language (s) specified in the Data Sheet (DS No. 4). Any printed literature furnished by the Bidder written in a language other than the language indicated in the Data Sheet, must be accompanied by a translation in the preferred language indicated in the Data Sheet. For purposes of interpretation of the Bid, and in the event of discrepancy or inconsistency in meaning, the version translated into the preferred language shall govern. Upon conclusion of a contract, the language of the contract shall govern the relationship between the contractor and UNDP.
14. Bid Submission Form
The Bidder shall submit the Bid Submission Form using the form provided in Section 4 of this ITB.
15. Technical Bid Format and Content
Unless otherwise stated in the Data Sheet (DS no. 28), the Bidder shall structure the Technical Bid as follows:
15.1 Expertise of Firm/Organization – this section should provide details regarding management structure of the organization, organizational capability/resources, and experience of organization/firm, the list of projects/contracts (both completed and on-going, both domestic and international) which are related or similar in nature to the requirements of the ITB, manufacturing capacity of plant if Bidder is a manufacturer, authorization from the manufacturer of the goods if Bidder is not a manufacturer, and proof of financial stability and adequacy of resources to complete the delivery of goods and provision of related services required by the ITB (see ITB Clause 18 and DS No. 26 for further details). The same shall apply to any other entity participating in the ITB as a Joint Venture or Consortium.
15.2 Technical Specifications and Implementation Plan – this section should demonstrate the Bidder’s response to the Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications by identifying the specific components proposed; how each of the requirements shall be met point by point; providing a detailed specification and description of the goods required, plans and drawings where needed; the essential performance characteristics, identifying the works/portions of the work that will be subcontracted; a list of the major subcontractors, and demonstrating how the bid meets or exceeds the requirements, while ensuring appropriateness of the bid to the local conditions and the rest of the project operating environment during the entire life of the goods provided. Details of technical bid must be laid out and supported by an Implementation Timetable, including Transportation and Delivery Schedule where needed, that is within the duration of the contract as specified in the Data Sheet (DS noS. 29 and 30).
Bidders must be fully aware that the goods and related services that UNDP require may be transferred, immediately or eventually, by UNDP to the Government partners, or to an entity nominated by the latter, in accordance with UNDP’s policies and procedures. All bidders are therefore required to submit the following in their bids:
a) A statement of whether any import or export licences are required in respect of the goods to be purchased or services to be rendered, including any restrictions in the country of origin, use or dual use nature of the goods or services, including any disposition to end users;
b) Confirmation that the Bidder has obtained license of this nature in the past, and have an expectation of obtaining all the necessary licenses, should their bid be rendered the most responsive; and
c) Complete documentation, information and declaration of any goods classified or may be classified as “Dangerous Goods”.
15.3 Management Structure and Key Personnel – This section should include the comprehensive curriculum vitae (CVs) of key personnel that will be assigned to support the implementation
of the technical bid, clearly defining their roles and responsibilities. CVs should establish competence and demonstrate qualifications in areas relevant to the requirements of this ITB.
In complying with this section, the Bidder assures and confirms to UNDP that the personnel being nominated are available to fulfil the demands of the Contract during its stated full term. If any of the key personnel later becomes unavailable, except for unavoidable reasons such as death or medical incapacity, among other possibilities, UNDP reserves the right to render the Bid non-responsive. Any deliberate substitution of personnel arising from unavoidable reasons, including delay in the implementation of the project of programme through no fault of the Bidder, shall be made only with UNDP’s acceptance of the justification for substitution, and UNDP’s approval of the qualification of the replacement who shall be either of equal or superior credentials as the one being replaced.
15.4 Where the Data Sheet requires the submission of the Bid Security, the Bid Security shall be included along with the Technical Bid. The Bid Security may be forfeited by UNDP, and reject the Bid, in the event of any or any combination of the following conditions:
a) If the Bidder withdraws its offer during the period of the Bid Validity specified in the Data Sheet (DS no. 11), or;
b) If the Bid Security amount is found to be less than what is required by UNDP as indicated in the Data Sheet (DS no. 9), or;
c) In the case the successful Bidder fails:
i. to sign the Contract after UNDP has awarded it;
ii. to comply with UNDP’s variation of requirement, as per ITB Clause 35; or
iii. to furnish Performance Security, insurances, or other documents that UNDP may require as a condition to rendering effective the contract that may be awarded to the Bidder.
16. Price Schedule
The Price Schedule shall be prepared using the attached standard form (Section 7). It shall list all major cost components associated with the goods and related services, and the detailed breakdown of such costs. All goods and services described in the Technical Bid must be priced separately on a one-to-one correspondence. Any output and activities described in the Technical Bid but not priced in the Price Schedule, shall be assumed to be included in the prices of the items or activities, as well as in the final total price of the bid.
17. Currencies
All prices shall be quoted in the currency indicated in the Data Sheet (DS no. 15). However, where Bids are quoted in different currencies, for the purposes of comparison of all Bid:
17.1 UNDP will convert the currency quoted in the Bid into the UNDP preferred currency, in accordance with the prevailing UN operational rate of exchange on the last day of submission of Bid; and
17.2 In the event that the Bid found to be the most responsive to the ITB requirement is quoted in another currency different from the preferred currency as per Data Sheet (DS no. 15), then UNDP shall reserve the right to award the contract in the currency of UNDP’s preference, using the conversion method specified above.
18. Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Qualifications of the Bidder
18.1 The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence of its status as an eligible and qualified vendor, using the forms provided under Section 5, Bidder Information Forms. In order to award a contract to a Bidder, its qualifications must be documented to UNDP’s satisfactions. These include, but are not limited to the following:
a) That, in the case of a Bidder offering to supply goods under the Contract which the Bidder did not manufacture or otherwise produce, the Bidder has been duly authorized by the goods’ manufacturer or producer to supply the goods in the country of final destination;
b) That the Bidder has the financial, technical, and production capability necessary to perform the Contract; and
c) That, to the best of the Bidder’s knowledge, it is not included in the UN 1267 List or the UN Ineligibility List, nor in any and all of UNDP’s list of suspended and removed vendors.
18.2 Bids submitted by two (2) or more Bidders shall all be rejected by UNDP if they are found to have any of the following:
a) they have at least one controlling partner, director or shareholder in common; or
b) any one of them receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from the other/s; or
c) they have the same legal representative for purposes of this ITB; or
d) they have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about, or influence on the Bid of, another Bidder regarding this ITB process;
e) they are subcontractors to each other’s bid, or a subcontractor to one bid also submits another Bid under its name as lead Bidder; or
f) an expert proposed to be in the bid of one Bidder participates in more than one Bid received for this ITB process. This condition does not apply to subcontractors being included in more than one Bid.
19. Joint Venture, Consortium or Association
If the Bidder is a group of legal entities that will form or have formed a joint venture, consortium or association at the time of the submission of the Bid, they shall confirm in their Bid that : (i) they have designated one party to act as a lead entity, duly vested with authority to legally bind the members of the joint venture jointly and severally, and this shall be duly evidenced by a duly notarized Agreement among the legal entities, which shall be submitted along with the Bid; and (ii) if they are awarded the contract, the contract shall be entered into, by and between UNDP and the designated lead entity, who shall be acting for and on behalf of all entities that comprise the joint venture.
After the bid has been submitted to UNDP, the lead entity identified to represent the joint venture shall not be altered without the prior written consent of UNDP. Furthermore, neither the lead entity nor the member entities of the joint venture can:
a) Submit another Bid, either in its own capacity; nor
b) As a lead entity or a member entity for another joint venture submitting another Bid.
The description of the organization of the joint venture/consortium/association must clearly define the expected role of each of the entity in the joint venture in delivering the requirements of the ITB, both in the bid and in the Joint Venture Agreement. All entities that comprise the joint venture shall be subject to the eligibility and qualification assessment by UNDP.
Where a joint venture is presenting its track record and experience in a similar undertaking as those required in the ITB, it should present such information in the following manner:
a) Those that were undertaken together by the joint venture; and
b) Those that were undertaken by the individual entities of the joint venture expected to be involved in the performance of the services defined in the ITB.
Previous contracts completed by individual experts working privately but who are permanently or were temporarily associated with any of the member firms cannot be claimed as the experience of the joint venture or those of its members, but should only be claimed by the individual experts themselves in their presentation of their individual credentials.
If the Bid of a joint venture is determined by UNDP as the most responsive Bid that offers the best value for money, UNDP shall award the contract to the joint venture, in the name of its designated lead entity, who shall sign the contract for and on behalf of all the member entities.
20. Alternative Bid
Unless otherwise specified in the Data Sheet (DS nos. 5 and 6), alternative bid shall not be considered. Where the conditions for its acceptance are met, or justifications are clearly established, UNDP reserves the right to award a contract based on an alternative bid.
21. Validity Period
21.1 Bid shall remain valid for the period specified in the Data Sheet (DS no. 8), commencing on the submission deadline date also indicated in the Data Sheet (DS no. 21). A Bid valid for a shorter period shall be immediately rejected by UNDP and rendered non-responsive.
21.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the Bid validity period, UNDP may request Bidders to extend the period of validity of their Bid. The request and the responses shall be made in writing, and shall be considered integral to the Bid.
22. Bidder’s Conference
When appropriate, a Bidder’s conference will be conducted at the date, time and location
specified in the Data Sheet (DS no. 7). All Bidders are encouraged to attend. Non-attendance, however, shall not result in disqualification of an interested Bidder. Minutes of the Bidder’s conference will be either posted on the UNDP website, or disseminated to the individual firms who have registered or expressed interest with the contract, whether or not they attended the conference. No verbal statement made during the conference shall modify the terms and conditions of the ITB unless such statement is specifically written in the Minutes of the Conference, or issued/posted as an amendment in the form of a Supplemental Information to the ITB.

23. Submission
23.1 The Technical Bid and the Price Schedule must be submitted together and sealed together in one and the same envelope, delivered either personally, by courier, or by electronic method of transmission. If submission will not be done by electronic means, the Technical Bid and Price Schedule must be sealed together in an envelope whose external side must :
a) Bear the name of the Bidder;
b) Be addressed to UNDP as specified in the Data Sheet (DS no.20); and
c) Bear a warning not to open before the time and date for Bid opening as specified in the Data Sheet (DS no. 24).
If the envelope is not sealed nor labeled as required, the Bidder shall assume the responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of Bid due to improper sealing and labeling by the Bidder.
23.2 Bidders must submit their Bid in the manner specified in the Data Sheet (DS nos. 22 and 23). When the Bid is expected to be in transit for more than 24 hours, the Bidder must ensure that sufficient lead time has been provided in order to comply with UNDP’s deadline for submission. UNDP shall indicate for its record that the official date and time of receiving the Bid is the actual date and time when the said Bid has physically arrived at the UNDP premises indicated in the Data Sheet (DS no. 20).
23.3 Bidders submitting Bid by mail or by hand shall enclose the original and each copy of the Bid, in separate sealed envelopes, duly marking each of the envelopes as “Original Bid” and the others as “Copy of Bid”. The two envelopes, consisting of original and copies, shall then be sealed in an outer envelope. The number of copies required shall be as specified in the Data Sheet (DS no. 19). In the event of any discrepancy between the contents of the “Original Bid” and the “Copy of Bid”, the contents of the original shall govern. The original version of the Bid shall be signed or initialed by the Bidder or person(s) duly authorized to commit the Bidder on every page. The authorization shall be communicated through a document evidencing such authorization issued by the highest official of the firm, or a Power of Attorney, accompanying the Bid.
23.4 Bidders must be aware that the mere act of submission of a Bid, in and of itself, implies that
the Bidder accepts the General Contract Terms and Conditions of UNDP as attached hereto as Section 11.
24. Deadline for Submission of Bid and Late Bids
Bid must be received by UNDP at the address and no later than the date and time specified in the Data Sheet (DS no. 20 and 21).
UNDP shall not consider any Bid that arrives after the deadline for submission of Bid. Any Bid received by UNDP after the deadline for submission of Bid shall be declared late, rejected, and returned unopened to the Bidder.
25. Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bid
25.1 Bidders are expected to have sole responsibility for taking steps to carefully examine in detail the full consistency of its Bid to the requirements of the ITB, keeping in mind that material deficiencies in providing information requested by UNDP, or lack clarity in the description of goods and related services to be provided, may result in the rejection of the Bid. The Bidder shall assume any responsibility regarding erroneous interpretations or conclusions made by the Bidder in the course of understanding the ITB out of the set of information furnished by UNDP.
25.2 A Bidder may withdraw, substitute or modify its Bid after it has been submitted by sending a written notice in accordance with ITB Clause 23, duly signed by an authorized representative, and shall include a copy of the authorization (or a Power of Attorney). The corresponding substitution or modification of the Bid must accompany the respective written notice. All notices must be received by UNDP prior to the deadline for submission and submitted in accordance with ITB Clause 23 (except that withdrawal notices do not require copies). The respective envelopes shall be clearly marked “WITHDRAWAL,” “SUBSTITUTION,” or MODIFICATION”.
25.3 Bid requested to be withdrawn shall be returned unopened to the Bidders.
25.4 No Bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval between the deadline for submission of Bid and the expiration of the period of Bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid Submission Form or any extension thereof.
26. Bid Opening
UNDP will open the Bid in the presence of an ad-hoc committee formed by UNDP of at least two (2) members. If electronic submission is permitted, any specific electronic Bid opening procedures shall be as specified in the Data Sheet (DS no. 23).
The Bidders’ names, modifications, withdrawals, the condition of the envelope labels/seals, the number of folders/files and all other such other details as UNDP may consider appropriate, will be announced at the opening. No Bid shall be rejected at the opening stage, except for late submission, for which the Bid shall be returned unopened to the Bidder.
27. Confidentiality
Information relating to the examination, evaluation, and comparison of Bid, and the recommendation of contract award, shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such process, even after publication of the contract award.
Any effort by a Bidder to influence UNDP in the examination, evaluation and comparison of the Bid or contract award decisions may, at UNDP’s decision, result in the rejection of its Bid.
In the event that a Bidder is unsuccessful, the Bidder may seek a meeting with UNDP for a debriefing. The purpose of the debriefing is discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the Bidder’s submission, in order to assist the Bidder in improving the bid presented to UNDP. The content of other bid and how they compare to the Bidder’s submission shall not be discussed.

28. Preliminary Examination of Bid
UNDP shall examine the Bid to determine whether they are complete with respect to minimum documentary requirements, whether the documents have been properly signed, whether or not the Bidder is in the UN Security Council 1267/1989 Committee's list of terrorists and terrorist financiers, and in UNDP’s list of suspend