UNDPSO-RFP-2018-006- Provision of Armed and Unarmed Security Guards, Armed Escort Convoys and Explosive Detection Dog (EDD) Teams to the United Nations in Somalia

Link to Atlas Project

00020394 - Security


Request for Proposal
Request for Proposal- Signature page
Request for Proposal- Section 7- Financial Proposal
Minutes for the Pre-bid meeting
Clarification 2- UNDPSO-RFP-2018-006
Addendum 1- UNDPSO-RFP-2018-006
UNDPSO-RFP-2018-006- Clarification no. 3
UNDPSO-RFP-2018-006- Clarification no. 3- UNOPS EDD guideline



1. As an international organisation, the United Nations in Somalia has its own security standards which are at times modified according to the level of risk to UN staff, premises, assets and activities.  These risks may vary from region to region within Somalia but at the present date, all of Somalia, with the exception of Somaliland, is assessed as HIGH risk.  The UN Principle Security Adviser (hereinafter referred to as the “PSA”) or separately each Head of Security for all missions, agencies, funds and programmes operating in Somalia, requires that all UN staff, premises, assets and activities operate with a high degree of armed and unarmed protection.

2. The United Nations in Somalia is seeking the services of professional Armed Private Security Companies (APSC) herein referred to as contractor to provide Armed International Security Guards and Unarmed National Security Guards to enable internal protection to its premises, Explosive Detection Dog Teams to provide detection services to vehicles and baggage entering its premises and Armed National Vehicle Escort details to protect its personnel and vehicles when on mobile missions outside its premises.   It is quite probable that one single company cannot provide all the UN security requirements across Somalia therefore it is intended to provide a number of pre-approved companies from which UN entities are able contract.

3. An inter-agency Long Term Agreement (LTA) will be awarded to the successful contractor/s for five years at the discretion of the UN entities in Somalia.  Contractor performance will be assessed on a yearly basis.  The contract/s will be awarded, through a competitive selection process, to the service provider/s that can clearly demonstrate through a written response to this Statement of Requirement (SoR) a high level of experience, professionalism, ability, competency and best practice in security services.  

4. The primary risks to UN staff include kidnapping, complex attack using VBIED against premises, attacks against UN convoy movement, targeted killing and indirect fire.

5. This contract is intended as a transitional measure to create highly trained and disciplined Somali nationals, who serve the UN in a protective capacity, to develop and maintain the initial skills required by the Somali Government security entities until such time it is considered appropriate for the host government to fully enact its protective responsibilities to the United Nations.


The primary objective is to provide a visible deterrent to potential attackers and an armed response capable to repel any attack for up to sixty (60) minutes in a manner consistent with the UN’s “Use of Force Policy”, any relevant legislation enacted in Somalia and international law.  

The secondary objective is to enable, as much as is possible, a one UN protective service that provides a standardised and homogeneous approach to security to the UN in Somalia.