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P11 personal history template
Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Financial Proposal



A.Project Title

Paving the Way to the SDGs through Good Local Governance


B.     Project Description 

Efficient, resilient, and well-planned road networks ensure that no one is left behind in the drive for inclusive growth. This is why roads are considered as an important foundation for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and a prerequisite for bringing communities together. 


At present, only 24.6% of all provincial roads in the Philippines are of acceptable quality. Of the 12,726km of provincial core roads, 57.2% are unpaved and in need of upgrading, while 20.2% are in poor condition and in need of rehabilitation. The situation is similarly dire for the 19,098 km of non-core roads, with 67% needing upgrading and 7% in need of rehabilitation. To address this situation, the Department for the Interior and Local Government (DILG) has launched the Conditional Matching Grant to Provinces (CMGP) initiative to improve the quality of the local road network across the country, by providing both financial investment for capital outlay, as well as strengthening the governance processes so that provincial governments are themselves able to effectively plan, design, implement and maintain their road networks.


In partnership with DILG, UNDP has launched a project “Paving the Road to SDGs through Good Governance” which aims to provide support to the governance reform and quality assurance components of CMGP through the ‘Road to SDGs’ framework. This framework will anchor the prioritisation, planning, design, implementation, and maintenance of infrastructure projects to the achievement of the SDGs, incorporating the elements of partnership building, climate change and disaster risk reduction, gender mainstreaming, and citizen participation for transparency and accountability.

C.     Scope of Work

Under the direct supervision and overall guidance of the Project Manager, the Governance and Institutional Development Specialist provides support and guidance in the crafting of a Governance Reform Roadmap, including road projects.

The area of expertise required is specialization on good local governance and re-engineering LGU operations, particularly in the context of devolution in the Philippine setting, and how it relates to planning, monitoring and ensuring quality of roads infrastructure operations at the provincial level.

Ensure the successful implementation of the “Paving the Road to SDGs through Good Governance” through facilitating the conduct of the following activities:

  • Identify, select, and present the latest models of 'best practices' about good local governance and re-engineering LGU operations, monitoring infrastructure operations management specifically on roads applicable to the geographical, cultural and institutional context of the project.
  • Present and analyse innovative conceptual, technical and methodological approaches for enhancing local governance operations, especially on matters of monitoring infrastructure operations management of government entities.
  • Design a Governance Reform Roadmap Module (including road projects) that should include design, execution and evaluation of measures for the development of institutional capacities of the local government, particularly around infrastructure operations management through tools development, training development, training delivery, coaching, mentoring and knowledge transfer.
  • Mentor provincial governments in his/her assigned area of coverage in the formulation and eventual adoption of their respective Provincial Governance Reforms Roadmaps.
  • Prepare, present and discuss periodic reports on the activities and results achieved; as well as identify difficulties or limitations, and propose measures to solve them.
  • Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Project Manager.


D.      Expected Outputs and Deliverables

Key Activity

Expected Output/s

  1. Review “best practices” about infrastructure operations management specifically on roads
  • Conduct of the review
  • Methodological initial report

May 2018

  1. Presentation of conceptual, technical and methodological approach for infrastructure operations management of government entities

Consolidated output from the presentation

May 2018

  1. Drafting of a Governance Reform Roadmap Module (including road projects)

Draft Governance Reforms Roadmap Module

May 2018

  1. Coaching of provinces for the drafting of Governance Reform Roadmaps

Provinces in assigned areas of coverage have drafted Provincial Governance Reforms Roadmaps

May to June 2018

  1. Facilitating presentations of draft Provincial Governance Reforms Roadmaps

Consolidated feedback/comments from the presentations

May to 16 July 2018

  1. Coaching of provinces for the finalization of and adoption by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of the Governance Reforms Roadmaps

Provinces in assigned areas of coverage have finalized and legislated its Provincial Governance Reforms Roadmaps

15 December 2018

  1. Updating of the Governance Reform Roadmap Module

Enhanced Module for the preparation of Provincial Governance Reform Roadmap

15 December 2018


E.      Institutional Arrangement


The Contractor is under the direct supervision and overall guidance of the Project Manager of the Roads2SDGs and will coordinate closely with the UNDP Governance Team.


F.      Duration of the Work


        MAY 2018 – DECEMBER 2018


G.     Duty Station


         The duty station of the contractor is at DILG regional office Region 4B (MIMAROPA) - No. 822, Brgy. Paligsahan, Quezon Ave, Quezon City. He/She may work from home but shall be required to attend meetings with DILG and UNDP on an ad hoc basis.


H. Competencies


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism


Functional Competencies:


Knowledge Management and Learning


  • Contributes to UNDP Practice Areas and actively works towards continuing personal learning and development
  • Builds knowledge in at least one practice area
  • Ability to provide quality policy advice services on related issues
  • In-depth practical knowledge of inter-disciplinary development issues
  • Substantive knowledge of democratic governance processes


Development and Operational Effectiveness


  • Ability to lead formulation of strategies and their implementation
  • Proven track record in project implementation of a comparable size and/or of a similar nature
  • Demonstrated experience in implementing development projects
  • Ability to plan and organize work programme and flow
  • Ability to work with minimum supervision



Management and Leadership


  • Focuses on impact and results for the client and responds positively to critical feedback
  • Encourages risk-taking in the pursuit of creativity and innovation
  • Leads teams effectively and shows conflict resolution skills
  • Approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
  • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills
  • Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors
  • Substantial previous experience in working with senior government officials, donor representatives and civil society on policy and strategic issues



I.       Qualifications of the Successful Individual Expert



Master’s Degree or equivalent in Infrastructure Management, Infrastructure Planning, Business Administration, Governance, or other relevant field.


A first-level university or Bachelor’s degree in a related field of study with an additional 2 years of relevant experience may be accepted in lieu of a Master’s Degree.


  • Minimum 5 years of relevant experience at the national or international level in infrastructure operations at government entities or private sector entities working with the public sector.
  • Experience in management consulting or institutional capacity development
  • Experience in provision of advisory services and support to local governments
  • Proficiency in standard software applications Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook etc. is required
  • Work experience at the sub-national level will be an advantage.

Language Requirements:

  • Excellent written and verbal English / Filipino language skills


J.      Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments


Percentage/Amount of Contract Price

Timing of Payment and Documentation Requirements

1st Payment


Upon signing of contract

2nd Payment


Upon completion of expected outputs under Key Activity Nos. 1-3, and approval of the same by UNDP

3rd Payment


Upon completion of expected outputs under Key Activity Nos. 4-5, and approval of the same by UNDP

4th and Final Payment


Upon completion of expected outputs under Key Activity Nos. 6-7, and upon approval of the same by UNDP





J.      Recommended Presentation of Offer

  1. Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP (SEE ATTACHED FORM);
  2. Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references; (SEE ATTACHED P11);
  3. Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided.  (SEE ATTACHED FORM);


Kindly email your CV, Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability, and Financial Proposal (use attached templates) to

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